Eithiriel DeMerè

Capitan - AI powered shopping list: Never forget anything at the store


Capitan is a first smart grocery shopping list app to help you save time, make smart suggestions and sync your family’s requests whenever you are located within or near the stores.

A smooth, breezy interface allows you to easily create and share shopping lists with friends or family in a matter of seconds.

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Artur Kiulian
Hi all :) I’m a founder of Capitan, the grocery list app that helps people spend less time on shopping. We are trying to solve a very annoying problem - nobody, and I mean nobody, likes making extra trips to the store to buy items they forgot (and nobody likes being yelled at for forgetting something stupid like milk). Although an artificial intelligence team working on a shopping list app might sound like overkill, the idea was born from sheer necessity: bootstrapping a startup while living together in a shared apartment makes it frustratingly hard to collaborate on shopping routines. All it takes is just a bit of customer development (which we did for almost 2 months) to learn that the same issue seems to resonate for a huge demographic throughout the US. After months of beta testing with over than 1000 users we've made a number of tweaks and it looks like now, finally (!) we have a shopping list done right. The app is smart; it learns your habits. The more you use the app, the more intuitive the reminders and suggestions become - such as letting you know that you normally buy milk at a certain store, or that you’re running low on a specific ingredient at home that you frequently buy and haven’t bought recently. Feel free to ask us anything - my team and I will be delighted to answer your questions throughout the day, thanks! ^_^
Sarthak Grover
Hi @arturkiulian, congrats on the launch! I tried out the app, nice clear interface (and great on-boarding experience!. Had a 'list' of questions I've been thinking about since using the app: 1. After adding something to the list, I was expecting I'll be able to select a store and it'll display the aisle(s) for each. I wasn't sure what to do once I setup the list. I am guessing it triggers automatically based on my location? Or I just open the app once I am at a store and it'll magically tell me where to find what (and for lazy people like myself, perhaps the most optimum route instead of chasing things down one aisle and walking halfway across the store to another only to come back to the original one for another item :D) 2. Any plans for adding non-grocery stores (like Home Depot / Lowes) - it'll be amazing to be able to find things there! Easy to get lost there. 3. Is there a list (no pun intended) somewhere that I missed to see what stores are supported right now? 4. Thoughts on Image recognition to add things to the list? Snap a pic and it gets added to your list. 5. Thoughts on adding Pricing at some point? 6. I often find myself emailing a 'list' to myself, any plans to allow emailing a list somewhere and getting it imported into the app? Thanks!
Artur Kiulian
@sarthakgrover @arturkiulian Hi Sarthak, sorry for the confusion that is probably caused by our previous press but we've decided not to proceed with in-store directions due to the low interest from both people and stores for that, we've decided to focus on simpler but more effective things such as smart reminders and seamless collaboration. >5. Thoughts on adding Pricing at some point? Yes, for sure :) Image recognition is also in the "must have" ideas in the funnel, just haven't had a chance to scratch that! >6. I often find myself emailing a 'list' to myself, any plans to allow emailing a list somewhere and getting it imported into the app? Sounds useful indeed, we will think about this one, thanks for suggestion! ^_^
Sarthak Grover
@arturkiulian Great to hear that. Goodluck, I'll be trying this out some more (love the collaboration bit so far!)
Sean Creasy
As a beta tester for this app, I can say that this app has become essential in my life. I had been looking for a shopping list app that does everything I need and is simple to use for the past few years. This app is the first to meet all of my criteria, and also does a whole lot more! Just the simple fact that my fiance can update my lists while I'm at the store makes this app essential. No more searching through text messages or trying to remember what is said over the phone or in person. Artur has done a great job with this app, and I am sure that it will always be improving and getting more features that don't get in the way of usability. Thanks for a great app!
Artur Kiulian
@n3yne Thanks so much Sean! <3
Anna Ruth
As a beta tester, I've had the opportunity to use this app for the past two months and it has been a game-changer in our household. My husband and I are always thinking of things that we need throughout the week - we write them down right away, but when it comes to when we go out to do our shopping trips, we would always forget where we put our mini-lists from the week. Capitan has allowed us to add things as we think of them and it will automatically update the other person's list. I can't to see what future updates are in store for the users - we will continue to use this app and we encourage everyone to give it a shot!
Artur Kiulian
@adanneker Thanks Anna <3
Tigran Hakobyan
Congrats! Great app which can be very useful for every family. Will try it today ;)
There's truly an app for everything these days. Have you thought of other scenarios, like coordinating renovation crews in finding right set of materials and such?
Artur Kiulian
@romanzadyrako oh yes, we've even had people in the beta that wanted to use the app for managing shopping routines for their restaurants, so industrial and office routines are something we will try to nail in the future, for now we are primarily targeting household shopping routines :)
Ihor Stefurak
Hice. Will try it right now. Any features in your roadmap​ @arturkiulian?
@artur Seems an amazing app, I'll try it with my girlfriend during this week to take a verdict if it should stay in my homescreen or not :)
Artur Kiulian
@ajimix Please do, we would REALLY appreciate the feedback in any case ;) You can easily contact us through "Contact us" button within the settings of the app, thanks!
@ajimix @artur When trying to authorize Facebook, Safari opens, I click on authorize and then I get redirected to a page saying that the page couldn't be loaded :(
Artur Kiulian
@ajimix oh wow, sorry for that, could you please send us a screenshot over support [at] getcapitan.com? thanks!
@arturkiulian Seems to be a common problem with some iPhone users but not related with your app → https://www.reddit.com/r/jailbre...
Artur Kiulian
@ajimix oh wow, thanks for spotting this!
Denys Zhadanov
Sounds awesome! Congrats guys!
Bethany Busch
I beta tested Capitan and instantly fell in love. There are no more wasteful trips to the grocery store. My husband can add things to the shopping list, so I am no longer the one to blame for an item not being on the list. Our family has dreamt of an app like this and now it is here!
Artur Kiulian
@bethanybusch thanks so much Bethany! <3
Interesting to see how consumer AI is touching everyday routines, does the app learn what I & my family buy frequently at specific stores?
Artur Kiulian
@ruslannaz Yes, inside the box the app is a combination of machine learning algorithms, years of experience in applied location-based and predictive analytics along with the crowdsourcing of data, the more you use it - the better time saver it can be for you and your household ;)
Christopher Hopkins
Looks cool! Is there any way to "import" lists into it?
Artur Kiulian
@hopkinschris Thanks Christopher, we are working on this next, including import of the recipes and other lists from popular platforms ;) Is there anything specific you would like to import? We love creative ideas!
Mordechai Zuber
It looks very interesting and it definitely would help me a lot. How effective would it be if the shopper is the only one with the app though?
Artur Kiulian
@mordzuber Thanks! App would still learn about your shopping routines and would suggest frequently bought items and remind you to grab items when you are near the store ;)
guys, my congrats for 1st place))) You are awesome. Right now I`m sharing shopping list with my girlfriend and it`s pretty coo!!
I was very interested in trying this app. My family uses Grocery Gadget and we like it but it just makes some basic functions a bit too difficult. I downloaded Capitan and started to set it up. I was very disappointed to see that you wanted Facebook access for logins. I don't have/use/want Facebook so I don't use any app that require it. However, I see that I can also add people without Facebook! Oh, I need to give you access to my entire address book just to add my wife? No. I have to admit, the app looks interesting and useful; but I'll never know. Your decision on logins and adding users is perplexing. I always hope that nobody I know allows apps like this to access their address book because I don't want my info in the hands of a company I don't know and/or don't do business with. It looks like you had plenty of time to code a different login scheme or at least allow users to add someone via their email address with using the address book. Why did you make this decision?
Artur Kiulian
@fbara Thanks for checking it out Frank! You've probably noticed that we try to make it super easy for users to start doing groceries via our app and don't ask for any log in information, we've decided to add social login to make it quicker and easier for users to sync their lists and provide their address book for quicker sharing experience. Even though you can skip both options and just share a list directly through email, but that's not an ideal flow we've designed :) Your comments about data absolutely make sense, we will be working on improving this aspect of the app and leaving more space for privacy conscious people with email logins only, thanks for making that clear to us!
It looks cool, I'll try it to use with my roommate. Please tell, why I need to tap&hold on right side of list to change category? Maybe just tap on right side will be comfortable to use? Thx.
Mada Seghete
Pretty awesome! Trying it out today!
Boris Fedorov
@artur the suggested list items are pretty funny and I like the type filtering. It would be great if the initial suggested list was generated by my prior items as it would be easier to add them by tapping instead of typing it out. Maybe I need to use it longer.
Artur Kiulian
@borisism Thanks, glad you dig the suggested items feature, it learns as you use it so after few times of adding "Potatoes" it will show them up first ;)
Sydney Liu
This looks super clever. Definitely going to try it out!!
Artur Kiulian
@sydney_liu_sl Glad you like it, thanks! Let us know what you think when you try using it for some time, feedback is REALLY appreciated ^_^
Some Guy
Awesome awesome stuff, I love the location aware features. This is fairly similar to the direction we're going with Denarri, but for buying electronics. It's not enough to simply allow people to search for things, what's going to dominate is the experience that learns your users preferences over time, so they accomplish their goals as quickly, efficiently, and intuitively as possible. You guys are clearly focused on that, great work :)
Artur Kiulian
@ghobs91 Thanks Andrew, glad you share our vision, we indeed try to focus on learnings over time to improve user experience, we are not yet there to call it the perfect solution but it's definitely the best out there in our niche :)
Simon B
My wife and I currently use Trello for this, but the addition of the AI suggestions and geo-location are very interesting. We'll definitely give it a go over the next few weeks. I'm interested in how you're doing the location "tracking". I take it that you were asked to insert the "disclaimer" in your App Store description due to the fact that you're using CoreLocation in the background, but I presume that you're using CLRegion monitoring which is relatively easy on the battery because the OS is only waking the app when the device nears a preset geographical region - therefore, the OS uses the battery at pretty much the same rate whether there's one app using region monitoring or 10. The disclaimer therefore seems a little over cautious and probably a little too scary for some people.
Artur Kiulian
@siburb Thanks! > I take it that you were asked to insert the "disclaimer" in your App Store description You've got it right, we've been rejected 4 times before we inserted this just because app store review is being crazy sometimes :)