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Caption — Find the right subtitles. Easy.

Binu Mathew
Awesome Product @gielcobben , will wait for the Windows App :)
Tony Tom
What does this drag and drop option do? I dropped some files into it, and it gives me a green tick. Nothing else 🤔 Isn't that supposedd to find me the subtitles?
@tony161293 When using the drag & drop feature the subtitle files are searched by hash, downloaded automatically and renamed automatically. Launching the video can be done from within Caption by double-clicking the file or by right-clicking the file and selecting play.
Mike Kosulin
Windows 10 version please)
Hey 🤗, Today I shipped Caption, a great little app that takes the effort out of finding and setting up the right subtitles. It has a simple, uncomplicated design, a drag & drop search feature, automatic downloading and automatic renaming. And it's completely open-source. You can get Caption for free at Hope you like it 🎉 PS: Follow on Dribbble to keep up-to-date: PPS: Special thanks to my friend @rygu who helped me with some Javascript.
Adam H
Looks interesting, Let's give it a try !
Pavel 'Strajk' Dolecek
Thanks for great job. I was using SubsMarine and Subtitles app – both worked, but always seemed clunky and little bit weird too me... Plus, Caption is free and *open-source*, so there's no reason not to switch! 👏🏻
Top Product
Looks great. If you are comfortable with the command line, try
Douglas Evaristo
Sabri Helal
would love to see the code for this. super dope! github repo?
Rahul Kapoor
any plans for windows?
@iamrahulkapoor Caption is made with Electron and React. I am currently working on making Caption for Windows and Linux. But because design is an important part of the end product, and I want Caption to be native in Windows and Linux as well, this will take a little time.
Raghavender Rao Jitta
@iamrahulkapoor @gielcobben Looking forward to the Windows release :)
Michael Ochs
I am not sure I get what the app does. Does it download subtitles from the internet? Or does it just search for subtitles I have on my disk? Also once I found the subtitles I am looking for, what does it do with it? Provide the subtitles file? If so, in what format?
@_mochs Caption finds the right subtitles for a movie, season or episode. When using the drag & drop feature the subtitle files are searched by hash from subtitle sources (e.g. opensubtitles), downloaded automatically and renamed automatically. Launching the video can be done from within Caption by double-clicking the file or by right-clicking the file and selecting play.
Love it! First try and I found a working subtitle I was looking for for a while now. :)
Rodrigo Hillion
Awesome! I'll be testing it tonight for sure =)
 Robert Brugman
Great idea, especially the drag and drop feature. One suggestion, add an option to search for 2 languages at the same time. I notice that with the series I tested dutch subtitles are hard to find. Had to do another search for the english ones. Would be nice to be able to set a primary and a secondary language, so that you always get a result you want.
Mert Kahyaoğlu
Wow, loved the design, really simple!
Huub Gelissen
Yo, this tool h*cka dope!
Looks great, and looking forward to trying it. This will definitely facilitate my language learning