Sofia Yan

Capture App - Allowing creators to secure and monetize content


Capture App is a Web3 photo app that empowers creators to secure, share, and get paid for their content. All in one app.

Powered by Numbers Protocol.

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Sofia Yan
Hello PH community 👋 This is Anthony from Noir Agency and Sofia on behalf of Numbers Protocol, we’re excited to launch the world's first Web3 camera - Capture App to the product hunt community officially! The brand new Capture App built by the team at Numbers Protocol and Noir Agency, lowers the barrier to entry into Web3. Photographers can turn their photos and videos into NFTs in a few taps with on-chain registrations to protect their asset’s rights. With a focus on escapism, creativity, and storytelling, Capture is reframing the way users spend their time online which means more creators can benefit from Web3 technology. 🧐**The problem** Web2 social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram have created online spaces that monetize human attention, compensate artists only through exposure and use users' data as a commodity. Many creators struggle to create meaningful value on centralized platforms or are blocked completely by industry gatekeepers. This “compensation by exposure” has been detrimental for artists. Besides, for those creators who are willing to dip their toes into the NFT/Web3 space would find themselves overwhelmed by all the tech jargon and complicated implementation to crypto wallet and NFT marketplace. 🔍**What is Capture App and the solution it provides?** Capture App enables creators to take photos directly with the in-built camera with a few taps their work can be turned into NFTs ready to be sold on the marketplace to collectors. It’s a simple, decentralized app for anyone with a creative vision to point, capture & sell their photos and videos. With its strong technique background powered by Numbers Protocol, all digital assets are verifiable and traceable with on-chain provenance, to make users truly see “the full picture”. As one of the ecosystem App of Numbers Protocol, Capture successfully integrates Numbers Search Engine to build Asset Profile, which showcases detailed attribution records including NFT characterization, Creator Profile, Integrity Records, and even licensing. Also, the in-built Network Action would allow users to make their assets even more valuable and multifunctional, such as Marketplace Listings, Gift Sharing, and Web3.0 archive in OpenSea Listing, News Publication, Social Feeds, Physical Prints, and many more in the coming future. Yeah, just simple clicks with these many features, Capture App is definitely an all-in-one Web3 camera you need. 💡Features and Capabilities - Simple clicks to start your Creative Journey - Real connection to Discovery - All-in-one to Web3 Space - Mint NFT and Sell **Yes, it’s FREE**🥳 Go check out to experience the world’s first Web3 camera! We appreciate any comments or feedback, please let us know what you think about Capture App!
Muhamad Rifki Ramdani
This project capture is highly recommended, hopefully it will continue to grow and develop.
Johan Leonardo
@sofia_yan2 Excellent project very explanatory the text sent, Following your work thank you very much!
Sam Kamani
@sofia_yan2 Do I need a huge audience to get started? I run a niche Web3 podcast with around 10,000 downloads. Podcast name:- "Web3 with Sam Kamani" available currently all Web2 audio platforms like spotify.
Looks amazing!
Awesome! Question, are photos created with Capture App natually become NFTs?
Sofia Yan
@sofia_yen Photos created with Capture app are not NFTs but digital assets that have their ownership and context preserved. Upon request, an extra NFT layer can be added into Captures through tokenization processes. When this happens, the asset itself on the outside will remain unchanged, however additional information containing NFT-related data will be injected into the asset.
Coin Mill
This product goes beyond your usual day-to-day product. I was totally amazed by not only the intuitive design, but the features and functionality of the app that make this an app to have on every mobile. I've used several similar apps designed to capture the moment, but never one that automatically converts my captures into NFTs, allowing them to live on the blockchain, forever authenticating my capture, which can never be duplicated, and giving me the opportunity to list, sell, and profit from them. Not downloading this app is a no-brainer, especially if you like taking pictures. Good job to the team behind this.
This is an amazing Innovation, I'm very interested to know how this Capture App works. Like I snap and post immediately and can sell it as NFT? This is wonderful.
Cindy Climent
Just checked the app, very easy to use, but a bit confused on the currency, can I use BTC, ETH to set a price or purchase the NFT?
Sofia Yan
@rabbit_little1 All purchase and sales in Capture App will be transacted in NUM. NUM, is the native protocol token of Numbers Protocol. It is primarily a utility token designed to incentivize users to create, archive and verify content with good integrity. For more information, please visit NUM page:
Joyce Barven
Early user here! The new look is brilliant, very creator driven design, I love the new Explore page! Looks like Capture App will go Web3 social direction in the future? Amazing change, the old version start with easy function, only take photo and register on blockchain, and then added NFT function after the NFT blooming. The team keep increasing the possibility of the product! Very proud to be the early adopter!
Idowu Joseph
Capture App makes use of web3 camera which enables creators to take photos directly with the in-built camera with a few taps their work can be turned into NFTs ready to be sold on the marketplace to collectors. It’s a simple, fast, easy, decentralized app for anyone with a creative vision to point, capture & sell their photos and videos. With its strong technique background powered by Numbers Protocol, all digital assets are verifiable and traceable with on-chain provenance, to make users truly see “the full picture"
Omar Said
Feeling so proud to invest in Numbersprotocol and seeing the improvements of numbers team doing regarding Capture App, and NFTsearch engine. Loving the logo, loving the theme and loving everything what number do. Keep it up and all the best, looking forward for new features on Capture App
Onur Akgul
Tomasz Begierski
aplikacja łątwa i intuicyjna w obsłudze, nawet dla osób zaczynających przygodę z technologią
Pweet Bee
Nice nice nice
I learned about this project from the podcast program called Block Trend. The idea behind the project is convincing. In the near future, AI technology will be able to create photos, videos which you can't tell if they are genuine. The best way to deal with this issue is to use a reliable system to record the whole history data of a media source. The team is strong and visionary. Looking forward to its future.
alexis Prolifik
This project have definitely a place in our future ! When Web 3.0 will be a norme, all project related to ownership for photo or content will be important !
Es una gran proyecto con una novedosas aplicación Capture app que cuenta con la función de tomar fotos y poder subirlas a un marketplace en diferentes redes blockchain.
Oyelola Uthman Abiodun
A huge update here! Very user friendly for the first Web3 Capture App. Imagine making money from your passion. I love taking pictures of nice places and views then I can turn than into Nft and sell This is huge and alien to the space Numbers protocol is setting the pace I can't wait to seeing more from their team LFG 🔥
An extremely innovative product! It will contribute more and more resources in the future!
Natalie Wang
absolutely cool and easy to use. Where can I see the nfts I purchased though?
Ayush Kumar
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