Dandy Griffin

Caramel 2 - Simply the best grocery list app for iPhone

Caramel is your grocery shopping companion that makes it breeze to get in and out of the stores while staying sane. It does its best to be your aid around the kitchen by offering suggestions based on your habits, quick inputs, and of couse, Recipe storage.

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Adam Carballo
Nice, just started testing, found a bug on the amount input, if you try to backspace when the text input area is already empty, the app crashes.
Dandy Griffin
@engyne Whoa thank you :) Just knocked that out and will have that corrected in the next update
My favorite grocery list app is the built-in reminders app because I can quickly tell Siri (on my HomePod or iPhone) "add xyz to my grocery list". This is particularly convenient when I'm in the fridge at home, cooking, or just walking around and realize I need something. Does Caramel have a Siri integration and does it support a command similar to the above?
Dandy Griffin
@alekplay Yes! I often ask Siri to add things to my lists through my HomePod, too: "Add Milk to my Groceries List using Caramel". I also made sure she understand Care-a-mel and Carm-mel ;)
Dandy Griffin
Hi everyone! I started Caramel as a small personal project awhile back as an attempt to fill the void for a solid grocery list focused app. It's been about 2 years since my first submission and since it's come a long way. And I think I can finally say that it's one of the best apps for keeping your shelves stocked! Caramel is both easy on the eyes and pretty smart! All of the design, development, and the website was done by me. I've put a lot of heart and soul into it and Caramel sure has grown because of the great users I've had. But I still have a pretty solid roadmap planned ahead of me (I'm going after the Cookbook next!) and I hope that you can still enjoy as much as I do :) I'm always taking feature requests and feedback, so please let me know about anything you have in mind.
Nick Savage
Fantastic! love the recipe function.
Lyondhür Picciarelli
Couldn’t find a reason to replace Bring! with this. Unjustified calling itself the best of its kind for iOS. Couldn’t be further from the truth. Probably doesn’t need user input either, since it’s already “established” as the best. Note: Bring! is a load better, offers a safe loyalty cards wallet, has a great web client AND it’s free.
Dandy Griffin
@lyondhur ouch. I guess I want to add that one of Caramel's strengths is it's ability to grow with its users needs but unfortunately, there are areas I can't compete in. Thanks for the input and time, though.