Erik Torenberg - Carpool with Ludlow Ventures (new web series)

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Jonathon Triest
Thanks @eriktorenberg for posting this. We're excited to share with the PH community, a new project we've been working on at Ludlow Ventures. Brett and I carpool to work every day. Most days begin dropping my kids off at school. I'm pretty sure the crossing guard thinks we're dating. We thought it would be fun to start recording our commutes and the people we talk to along the way. We have some great upcoming guests (Eric Ries, Jesse Genet, Mark Suster, Jason Calacanis, Clark Valberg and more). The audio is less than ideal right now, but we're upgrading our gear. Please share thoughts and feedback. A specific ask to the PH community; we want to have 1-3 standard questions that we ask everyone who chats with us. The goal is to stay away from the "who do you admire?" "what do you like about your job?" questions and conjure up things that will make people share more personally and vulnerably. Have any awesome questions to add to that list? We'd love to hear them. Thanks!
Brad Yasar
@jtriest sounds like a fun project. some questions: what are your on-going challenges? what inspires to go to work every day? if you weren't driving to work, where would you be?
✎ Andrew Warner
@jtriest I love that you're doing this. I think you're on to something insanely fascinating, but I have a ton of feedback. I'd like to see more a mission statement behind it. Just saying you're recording because you guys drive together isn't enough. That's a gimmick that gets us watching, but doesn't sustain. I know you well enough to know you have one. Talk about it on camera. And when you bring Clark on tell us who he is and why he matters for your mission. If you call your dad, don't cut away just as you're talking to him. That's a personal moment that you should show. Maybe ask him how he felt you crashed his car as a teenager or sold his shirts on ebay when you were growing up. Or something that shows us who you were. Is this helpful?
Corey Breier
@jtriest what's something that took you a long time to understand?
Jonathon Triest
@andrewwarner Thanks Andrew. New at this. Excited for all good things ahead.
eddie wharton
Seems like the VC / startup version of Seinfeld's comedians in cars getting coffee
Brett deMarrais
@eawharton yeah I'm a big fan of that show and it was definitely an inspiration, the only difference is we carpool every day for the last three years whether we film or not
Jonathon Triest
@eawharton I've not seen it, but that's what everyone keeps telling me ;)
eddie wharton
@brettdem @eawharton @jtriest IMO, the magic of the show is that it doesn't feel like a forced interview. It seems like a conversation between friends. I'm looking forward to checking this out!
Jonathon Triest
@eawharton Thanks Eddie, that's the goal. The second it becomes forced we're done.
Morgan Beller
@brettdem @eawharton That's what I said!
Clark Valberg
Honored and frightened to be the first guest. But seriously, love these guys.
Brett deMarrais
@clarkvalberg So much fun to have you on. Love you back!
Jonathon Triest
@clarkvalberg Lots of love going on in this thread. Clark, thanks for being our guinea pig. Our cute, lovable guinea pig.
Erik Torenberg
@jtriest who are the dream guests?
Brett deMarrais
@eriktorenberg right now Donald Trump. I bet he would say some newsworthy stuff.
Blake Robbins
For the past 10 months or so I've interned with these two. To say that these guys are not your traditional VC's would be a huge understatement. These episodes do an amazing job of capturing how goofy and approachable Jonathon and Brett are. Their personalities couldn't complement each other more.
Jonathon Triest
@blakeir dude. stop. you've been such an awesome part of this team.
Brett deMarrais
@blakeir To say Blake it not you traditional intern is an understatement. Brought so much value to the team from day one. Plus he has the deepest and silkiest smooth voice.
Jonathon Triest
@brettdem @blakeir seriously deep. like "rattle your insides when he speaks" deep.
Erik van Mechelen
What's one thing you believed strongly to be true, but changed your mind/approach on? Thanks @jtriest and @BrettdeM just watched first two episodes.
Brett deMarrais
@decision_ that's a good question! What would your answer be?
Andrew Farah
@jtriest and @brettdem You both talk a lot about VC without ego. Is this a part of that and if so, how does it relate? For the record, I laughed out loud and woke my sleeping dog. (disclosure - Ludlow is an investor in our co)
Jonathon Triest
@andrewfarah Thanks Andrew! We really focus on being authentic. We tried getting a blog off the ground for years and end up reducing each blog post to a tweet. We took a step back and stopped forcing it. This is a much more comfortable medium for us to express ourselves. We'll leave the masterful blogging to @hunterwalk, @msuster, @ezramogee and others. (disclosure - we love you)
Dave Weinberg
Tip for the AngelList / Tinder world out there... if you want to marry a founder, you have to be "in full beast mode". Also, where is the email capture? Scale! So good, thanks guys :)
Brett deMarrais
@weinberg81 Doh! Content marketing 101. How did we forget that? Fix on the way. Thanks!
Dave Weinberg
@brettdem @jtriest We all need to learn sometimes ;) You can teach me the VC gig one day - we'll call it even.
Jonathon Triest
@weinberg81 we are such boneheads! thanks! updated with a pretty subscribe button!
Tom Masiero
Love it guys! Can't wait for entrepreneurs to call in ;)
Brett deMarrais
@blendahtom thanks! There are a lot of good people on the way! Stay tuned...
Ezra Galston
How do you drop your kids off without car seats? Isn't that illegal?
Jonathon Triest
@ezramogee it's summer! no school until the end of August.
Brett deMarrais
@ezramogee most of the time we strap them to the roof
Stephan Ango
That's a good looking duffel bag.
Jonathon Triest
@kepano no joke Stephan. You need iron-ons at live immediately. The one we tested on my bag hasn't worn at all!
Jacob Hobbie
Not only is this hilarious, but it's a great idea for casual conversation. Nice job, can't wait to see more!
Brett deMarrais
@linkchef Thanks Jacob! Any questions we should ask future guests?
Morgan Beller
What about asking guests what they do on their commute? I'm always interested in the range of audio books -> podcasts -> Top 100 hits (guilty)
Morgan Beller
@jtriest some combination of NPR, podcasts (@Erik's voice), calls for work, Wild 97.9 The Bay's #1 Hit Music Station!, calls with my mom, and now
Brad Yasar
@jtriest @brettdem can we get @eliomotors @paul_elio on please? He can even let you guys do an episode in the Elio ->
Brett deMarrais
@yasarcorp Potentially, the first season or so is already booked up with guests, but maybe season 2?
Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
Awesome, first 2 were funny - interested to see where you can take this!
Mark Sandford
haha that's hilarious! Excited to see where this goes.
Farhad Hussain
@jtriest and @brettdem What was your inspiration for doing this? Great video btw!
Brett deMarrais
@farhadhu95 As @jtriest says above we both sucked at blogging. We we're chatting amongst each other and with other entrepreneurs/VC's anyway, so we decided to film it and see what happens.
Sandy Kronenberg
Love the randomness of it all, keep it up! But it's not, it's! ;)
Jonathon Triest
@sandwedg thanks sandy! and you're right!! we're going to get our first sponsorship revoked ;(