Carlo Almendral

Panama Papers Map - Panama Papers broken down by country.


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Marko Islamovic
I find people's views on revealing these papers inconsistent.. Like they want privacy but they also want to know where people hold their money.. Hm...
Matt Johnston
@marko_is No, they want people to pay their taxes like everyone else.
Marko Islamovic
@heymatt_j It gets a bit complicated in globalized economy today.. We have free market economies where companies pay nothing or little in taxes like Hong Kong or Singapore, etc (who also have one of the biggest GDPs)... So there's literally nothing people can do about it, it's a legal structure of a different country.
Matt Johnston
@marko_is Yes it is very complex but doesn't mean it should remain the same. Something needs to change to narrow this increasing marginalization of those less advantaged. The rich and powerful (both individuals and companies) need to pay their debt to society also. Perhaps we need to start enforcing companies running in the country they're operating in to be as accountable as the regular people living there? Unless forced, those with the most to lose will often do whatever they can to hold onto it, neglecting the infrastructure of the governments that enabled them to be prosperous in the first place.
Marko Islamovic
@heymatt_j There are three big problems with enforcing businesses to pay in that manner: First, companies will move their operations to another tax friendly country, meaning that people will lose jobs (just like many businesses from the US are moving). Second, if let's say our domestic country enforces those regulations against international corporations, then they will have a hard time to sell their domestic products to another countries, because other countries will respond with same regulations. Even if we then ignore comparative advantage, it's human mind and globalized workforce that are essential for economic growth today (almost 1 billion raised out of extreme poverty since global liberalization of the economies). The third problem is that businesses are empirically losing faith in government spending and they are scared that money will be blow away by some silly government projects. There is a need to rethink how and why businesses pay. At the end, businesses are the ones creating/allowing to create the economic standard for one community or a country.
João Antunes
@troy_ruediger: that seems to be a different DB, from documents released in 2013, not this recent scandal though
Philip Vasquez
@joantune @troy_ruediger +1 on Joao's comment - the link in this comment is NOT the Panama Papers data.
Adam Marx
This is just amazing. The fallout from this is going to be...biblical. When people really start digging into the names and the connections (even to those not named), it's just going to be amazing to see how it unfolds. And this map is great, awesome job @bkilmartinit!
Gabriel Reynard
Great! Getting rich by stealing from people (specially in poor countries) is something that need to be stopped now! Otherwise we won't be able to develop as society, in peace.
Philip Vasquez
Great visualisation. Thank you. Can someone confirm whether this is off the new data leak or the ICIJ 2013 release. Is quite relevant as we do not want people to start basing stories on incorrect facts/data.
This seems to have been removed from the FP. I got a notification about this and then suddenly it was missing :-/
Jonas Petermann
Wow, Switzerland has 38'433 companies involved :-(
Stephen Voisey
@jonas_petermann Hong Kong is also doing nicely, nothing do to with a certain bank based there, I'm sure :)
Baard O. Hansen
Great! Check #panamapapers for each country
Sudharsan Rajagopal
Great one! Visually, could have geographical boundaries as each data point represents a country.
Johnathan Butler
Uh oh...
Jordi Mon Companys
Mmmm CartoDB inside!
David Milberg
This is an awesome product!
Abdul Umer
This is a great visualization. I assume this will eventually hook up to a corresponding database?
Dmitry Romantsov
This is pretty cool!
Yassine Elkaryani
This is good and made me more curious. I'd love to see a link leading to more details by country.