When @natemodi reached out to me about this I got excited as I am just simply not a sports guy. I know that sounds crazy to some, but there are some folks who just don't follow sports that closely.
His newsletter has gotten me the basics about what is going on and was perfect for before the Thanksgiving football games that were happening that I really had no idea about. It gave me the short basics, rivalry importances, and latest happenings which made watching more fun and speaking to superfans more interesting for me.
Love what @natemodi and @brandondubreuil are doing with CS! It's a great way to keep up with what's going on in some sports that I don't follow as closely.
Thanks @ericfriedman! Working with @brandondubreuil on this, who is a true sports nut. While I usually have little or no idea what's happening with sports, I've found that knowing the basics is great for engaging meaningfully with different people at work, where do I sales and BD, and also with family and friends. Happy to answer any questions.
I tell somebody at least once a week how badly I need something like this in my life. Glad to see two friends of mine working on a solution. Keep it up fellas, and let me know if there is anything I can do to help!
@dshan Thanks Derek! Right now our focus is creating something ppl really love, respecting our place in their inbox, and seeing it spread through word-of-mouth. We'll see where it goes!
Signed up. Right now I get my light sports news from a couple Twitter accounts, but this seems like a nice digestible amount of info.
Feature request: let me opt out of certain sport updates I don't care about (boxing, Derby).
Not being a sports fan, has left me out of conversations before, in business its good to know a little small talk around sports, or even the holidays. Great resource
I love the updates on stuff I meant to pay attention to but didn't, and now I feel out of the loop. For instance, the new BCS championship rules. Keep up the good work!
Thanks @adamsigel. We are considering different content modules and allowing people to opt in/opt out. We will definitely keep your comments in mind as we move forward with this!
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