Pavan Sethi

Cent - A network for universal creative income

Cent is where Creators + fans earn income together. There are 2 'mechanisms':
1) 'Seed a Creator' and get rewarded.
2) 'Spot' a post, and show you like it.
Both put your money where your mouth is.
Try it out. There are a lot of amazing artists to support.

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Ryan Hoover
This is the most interesting thing on Product Hunt today, imo. By backing a creator early on, fans can also "earn" in the upside. That also incentivizes fans to become evangelists. I'm curious what types of creators you're seeing on the platform, @pav_sethi. Any examples to share?
Pavan Sethi
@rrhoover Great question. We are currently on the cusp of a major shift. We started off with a mainly crypto-focused audience because of the nature of the payments and incentives on the network. As we iterated on the mechanisms, we started to see a shift towards more crypto art and digital art. And in the past few months, we're seeing more mainstream subcommunities begin to flourish - things like photography, poetry, comedy, even gaming and vlogs. With this release, one of the major things we worked on is making the product as easy to use as possible (i.e. so easy your grandma could use it). We think this will be the key to onboarding creators of all types, so they don't have to focus on understanding a new platform and the technology behind it. So they can focus on what they love doing - creating.
Pavan Sethi
@rrhoover Here are some of my favorite artists right now: , (does animations for late night TV like SNL, Jimmy Fallon, etc.) ,
Pavan Sethi
@rrhoover One theme of content types has been documenting "the process". Many creators not only share their final work, but document the steps that went into creating. Fans seem to really connect with creators more as they learn more about their process, and it's also the perfect way for aspiring creators to learn. I think this is missing on other platforms. It really gives you a "behind the scenes" feel and gets away from the Instagram-like idea that every thing you post has to be absolutely perfect and in its final form.
@rrhoover I have a few more if you're interested.
Pavan Sethi
This week, we launch the next era of Cent. We've learned a lot over the past year and are super excited to finally get this out into the world. A brief intro to how it works: - Fans can "Seed" creators who they think will create more value in the future. Seeding is giving a set amount of money to a creator each month, and receiving a portion of all Seeds given after you. This gives the creator a monthly income and incentivizes early fans to share the creator's work. - You can "Spot" any post on the network. This is simply a fun way to give 1 cent to the creator of a post to show you appreciate their work, and you can hit the Spot button as many times as you want. 1,000 Likes is 1,000 Likes. 1,000 Spots is $10. Check out the site and please ask us any questions or leave any feedback here! We're currently working on adding some explanation videos to the site and they should be up shortly. - Pavan, ¢
Jun Gong
Good to see you guys on PH! I have been following / using Cent since the beginning. Absolutely love the new Cent! Keep up the great work!
@jun_gong thanks much Jun! Our goal is to continue refining the product and adding features to strengthen our mission: allow anyone to earn from anywhere.
Samuel Zeller
Joined Cent just before it received this wonderful update! I've seeded five creators and got seeded by five users, so far so good. It's a breeze of fresh air in a sea of social networks oriented towards amassing followers and hollow likes.
@zellersamuel1 this is so incredible to see. Happy that you get it like we get it👊 Spots > empty likes all day. Super excited to watch creators and their fans really start earning larger and larger sums together.
@zellersamuel1 Haha, I was one of your Seeders!! I love your photography.
Daniel Easterman
@zellersamuel1 I'd like to check out your work on cent! how can I find you?
Sean Li
Honored to be on this journey with you guys. Cent is a very inspired use case of blockchain, and has never ceased to innovate. Really loving the refined focus and new design, making unique properties of the blockchain accessible to creators and fans globally - very excited for what's next! 🔥Congrats everyone!
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
@ryanheybourn it's a big experiment for sure, but one that was deeply influenced and designed based on how folks were using seeding v1. So far this iteration and the continued abstraction of web3 elements seems to be working as planned. Still a lot for to improve, refine and add though. So let us know if there is anything you'd like to see updated or added!
I have been a cent member for a while now and while I am opposed to change, I must admit I am loving the new Cent, the updates have proven their worth to me and all my followers at the Church de Dabdragon! It's absolutely Dabdragon Approved and comes with CryptoArt League Seal of Approval for Excellence
Pavan Sethi
@dragon4366 Great to hear! We did our best to improve the design and experience, while keeping the parts that our first users loved. Many more updates to come.
Nathi. M
Cent is the future for Content creators and I'd love to see where future takes us with them. 😊
@dondahq such high praise. Thank you🙏 We're still a WIP so feel free to let us know features that you think need to be added or what needs more refinement.
Love Cent, using it for almost a year. Check out here: If I don't post it on Cent, then it's not that important...
@mlibty boom! well said MLIBTY. Thanks for the continued support and upvotes👊
Ramy Wafaa
Beautiful concept, making my profile there now!
@ramywafaa love seeing comments like this. If you run into any issues feel free to reach out to me directly on Cent at /matthew
Hady ElHady
Cent has one of the coolest concepts I've come across recently. It's like Patreon on-the-go where you can support your favorite creators. However, it takes it even a step further by allowing fans to share in the success of the creators' work, incentivizing them to help the creators in spreading their work. Congrats to @pav_sethi and the team!
Alex Calish
As a creator this has been one of my favorite platforms for monetizing my work. Love the community and support I get. It's been great for myself and my fans!
Dan Ndombe
New to Cent and upvoted. I like the intro video, and as a former YouTuber myself, I like the concept of shared income with the fans. Congrats on making the PH homepage!
Pavan Sethi
@dndombe Thank you! That intro video was all @acmorreale. Let us know if you have any feedback or questions.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Seems a combination of Ello and Steem, with a side of CryptoKitties. Signing up with BOTH email and Magic links was confusing and didn't work on iOS, but otherwise I like what I'm seeing so far...!
@chrismessina We're working on it!
Pavan Sethi
@chrismessina Sorry for the trouble! We are working with our partner at Magic to help resolve that issue. Please bear with us a little longer as we get that fixed. In the meantime it appears that users who unblock scripts or cookies (for example if you use Brave browser with shields off) do not have that issue.
Eric Elliott
Absolutely one of the most innovative apps on the planet right now. A major milestone for the newly forming internet of value.
What would be the biggest challenges or concerns for bringing this to a mobile app, if you plan to?
Pavan Sethi
@shaqube We do have mobile apps coming very soon. I would say the main challenge there is figuring out how to work with Apple's policies since they've been tough with other networks that use crypto for payments.
Logged in yesterday. very interesting! Looking forward to making a few posts myself.
Pavan Sethi
@stef_b Sounds good! Keep us updated with how you like the experience. We're doing our best to take in all feedback and constantly improving the product.
Sean Ahluwalia
I’ve been following Cent for awhile and I see how it shifts the way we reward the most innovative and creative in our society, it is a platform that consistently gives back to its users!
Zachary Ginsburg
I’ve been a Cent user for a while now, but am blown away by the seeding model. Great use of incentives and crypto. Definitely going to put a few pieces of artwork up
I have been using Cent almost daily for about 18 months, the new update is a big change. It will take some getting used to, but the greater content creator rewards are super exciting. Peace 👍😎
Pavan Sethi
@ezincr Hey Ez! It definitely is a big change, but we really tried to re-think the network and not use other "social media" platforms of endless feeds as a framework. This is definitely risky, since it doesn't fit into people's pre-conceived frameworks of a social network, but we're taking in all the feedback we can to keep improving.