Keeping up with Slack channels demands your attention and time! Let Grok do the comprehending with the power of GPT-3. Summarize any Slack Channel on-demand, in a daily digest, or when joining a channel.
Hello, and thanks for the upvote! We made Grok with a simple problem in mind: scrolling, reading, and comprehending missed conversations in Slack channels or threads can take valuable time from your day. We wanted to get back in the conversation quickly and easily. Our solution leverages the power of OpenAI's GPT-3 technology with our application building experience to create Grok!
Grok is part of the Centro umbrella of productivity apps. With Grok, you can:
🧙Get an on-demand summary of any Slack public or private channel, including any threads in that channel.
📅 Receive a daily digest in Slack of up to 5 subscribed channels. Pick a time, and the Digest will show you what you missed!
🥳 Join the party. Configure Grok so that new members receive a private message with a summary of the conversation so far. Now you don't have to catch them up!
Excited for you to try it and give us feedback!
Q: Why the name "Grok"?
A: It's actually in the dictionary, and it means "to understand (something) intuitively or by empathy. So in a sentence, "we read the Slack channel, Grokked it, and here are the results." The first use was in Heinlein's 1961 Stranger in a Strange Land. We liked it in this context, so we ran with it!
Q: What are the limits of Grokking a channel?
A: Right now, we can read the last 30 messages of any Slack channel. There are some limitations with GPT-3, but we may expand that in the future. However, if you set up the Digest, you'll likely stay up to speed daily. I would love your feedback when you try it in your workspace!
Q: Do you keep my data? Is it adding to the GPT-3 Model?
A: No, it's purely transactional! We don't store your data; we pass it through to GPT-3 for processing and pass it back to your Slack workspace. What's incredible about GPT-3 is that it does not add data to the corpus! We were blown away too. We'll post a technical blog post about this soon.
Q: What's next? Can you Grok ?
We've heard exciting ideas already, such as Grok used in What's App, iMessage, Gmail, and others where reading is intensive with streams of conversations. We're considering all of this! What is likely near-term is allowing users to set the context of who they are and their roles. That is, you may want to have a different summary based on what your care about as part of your position or job. Additionally, include customization of the prompt. Think: "Find me action items in summary."
Q: What's GPT-3?
A: Great question! The team at OpenAI has created an incredible API to GPT-3, which I found a great article describing it here:
Q: How do I get my hands on Grok? When can I try it?
A: Simple! Press the "Get It" button on this listing, or sign up on the waiting list at We'll then process and get back to you ASAP with instructions!
@fastforwardconsulting_llc let us know how we can enable you we are interested in this type of collaboration with consulting partners! We think summaries can be improved with particular use case or target audience in mind to be more specific with details that are extracted and less vague.
Oh that's a nice thing. We're a part of 7-8 slack groups and many a times its difficult to catch up on all conversations happening in different groups of different accounts.
In that case, Grok can help out. It seems like we're adding TL;DR section in blogs - Too long; didn't read - and hence we add a summary. Absolutely helpful.
This looks like a neat tool to save us time. Congrats on the launch! Have signed up for the waitlist and can't wait to try it out on our Slack workspace.
Shisharka Land
Engati for Shopify
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