Espen Kulia

Chain - Create and share video chains of short clips about any topic


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Hi Guys! Thanks for hunting Chain. My name is Srini and I'm the Founder of Chain. I started Chain as a way to share moments, ideas, opinions, anything...interactively and collaboratively with friends and fans. Today, the content cycle is mostly one-way (somebody posts and everybody else comments/likes). I wanted to introduce a two-way interaction model where everybody has an equal voice. On Chain, you can start a chain with a topic + a clip. Then you and your friends or fans can add their own clips to the Chain. Of course you can comment (and soon like). But, I believe a Chain is a far more interactive experience and opens up a lot of possibilities/use cases. You can create private chains for friends or public chains for your fans/followers. Let me know if you have any questions about Chain or ideas for how you would use Chain! Best Srini
@amitshetty Thanks Amit. Would love to get your feedback on what you love about Chain and what you think is missing that we should add.
I wrote my first blog post on Chain about Mobile Video 2.0. See