Owen Williams

re:Charged - Skip the clickbait with daily technology briefings

re:Charged is a better way to get tech news without algorithms, RSS feeds, advertising or clickbait. Join the slow web revolution and get the best briefing about what's new in technology every morning delivered right to your inbox. Join our community of smart people from across the industry having nuanced discussions.

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Owen Williams
*BTW: If you sign up with the code `kittyclub` I'll give you 25% off the first three months. Make sure to redeem fast if you want to join, it's limited to 100 people. 😍* --- Hey everyone! I started sending a weekly newsletter three years ago and found a weird niche where people _really_ liked getting the news delivered to their inbox because it wasn't algorithm driven, full of ads, or clickbait. It felt weird to focus on email, but I started realizing its limitations are a huge opportunity to reach people that's frequently discounted as 'boring' despite it being the one thing we all check multiple times a day. I've been wanting to build this for such a long time, and over the last year just started noticing people have total news burnout, so began tinkering with the idea of flipping the news model on its head. I noticed two trends that were gaining a lot of steam: 1) Private communities are getting huge and 2) People want less news, not more, and not from an algorithm News sites basically optimize for the lowest common denominator: quantity over quality. Visit any mainstream site refresh over the space of eight hours -- if you weren't there all day checking, something key is likely to slide right past you in the stream, and once it's off the front page it's gone. As all of this happened, the comments section started disappearing across the web as well: suddenly, the nuance or context that (sometimes, not always) occurs below an article is gone, and it's driving people to places like Twitter and Facebook... which most people don't really enjoy. This, I believe, is driving the huge surge in _private_ communities we're seeing -- I'm in so many private Slack groups it's insane. re:Charged is a start on trying to solve both of these problems. It's a combination between the two: you pay a small monthly fee and get access to a daily briefing of everything worth knowing in tech, and a deeply integrated community that goes along with it. I've built an app in the middle that wires these two up, onboards you and introduces you to the community -- and the newsletter surfaces great comments, threads and other discussion directly. There's no advertising, algorithm optimizing to get you to click or anything else -- just the curated briefing and everything worth knowing. Yes, it costs money up-front, but I want to build something that's sustainable from day one and doesn't rely on advertising to prop it up at any point. If I need that, I've failed, and the product doesn't work. For three months we've been testing with 150 members who've been an incredible help, and the feedback has been fantastic: people aren't checking the news as much and are having meaningful discussions in our community. It's been pretty incredible to watch, and now I'm focused on offering other ways for people to receive the content, and surfacing the gold from across the community on a regular basis. If you'd like to try it, I'd love to have you onboard and have your feedback. As I mentioned, it's early and a little rough, but I wanted to get this out there now rather than iterating on it in a vacuum :). If you want to read more, check out my post about this today: https://char.gd/blog/2017/announ...
Sjoerd Janssen
One of the best communities is now getting better. I know I will subscribe today.
I joined re:Charged recently but already getting a lot of value from the daily newsletter. Owen covers all the most important things happening in tech and brings some personal voice. And re:Charged is not just another newsletter about tech, it is also an amazing community! It really makes a lot of difference. One of the very few Slack communities that I check out daily 😀 (and that says a lot!) @ow Exciting to see how Charged is growing and curious about what is coming next.
Owen Williams
@aleks_muse I think you were the last one in the door before we went public! Thanks so much for your support, it's hugely appreciated :)
@ow yep, I joined re:Charged recently, but have been a loyal Charged subscriber/listener/member for the last year.So it is a nice next step! 😅
Sam Sabri
This is gonna be great! Good luck!

I've been a subscriber to the re:Charged newsletter since day one and it has genuinely stopped me from visiting any tech-related websites. I don't have to worry about missing anything and if I don't feel like catching up I can always just delete the email anyway.

Owens commentary on the news always feels on point and puts thing in another interesting perspective. ❤️


Very well focused, high quality content


The community is still a bit new, hope that grows quickly. :)

Sounds great. I used to be subscribed to your free newsletter. Nowadays, I am subscribed to Ben Thompson's ( https://stratechery.com/) newsletter and I really enjoy it. @Owen: How is your newsletter different than Ben's? Not saying it is not a good idea that you are doing it - just wondering :)
Owen Williams
@owen @mictuc Hey Michel! This is a great question -- Ben Thompson / Stratechery was definitely an inspiration, and he's carved out one hell of a niche I could never live up to. I love and subscribe to Stratechery, but felt there was a gap in the middle where something that didn't require reading 2000+ words in the morning could live, that was more general across the industry. My interests lie broadly across developer trends, consumer ones, servers, hardware, you name it -- and I wanted to make something that encapsulates the industry, breaking down topics but also feeling like a great TL;DR every day. Ironically, Ben was perhaps validation more than anything else -- I've heard his newsletter is huge, and his churn is low, so I'm psyched that there really could be a sweet spot here. Ben is a legend, and while I wish I could write like him, mine has a different tact (and more software integration, since I own the platform and developed them myself so you get single sign-on and such!). Plus, we'll do other delivery like Messenger etc very soon.
@owen @ow Thanks for your thorough reply. I think that makes sense and I wish you all the best with your endeavour!
Justin Watt

I've been a part of Owen's beta over the last few months for re:Charged and I'm a big fan. It's timely, interesting, and relevant content. It's like he knows about the stories that matters to me and cuts through the BS to deliver the relevant parts.


Timely, distilled, and interesting news with solid takes on them.


There were mobile formatting issues but those are now resolved

Edwin Arbus


Insightful and concise.


Andreas Fruth

Been here since Beta and loved every moment of it. @ow does an amazing job, you can see it's more than a business for him.


Compressed and to the point


I kind of want more :)

Owen Williams
I have ideas for more soon and am working on this! Thank you so much <3
Cory Miller

I've loved being part of the re:Charged beta group and it's really a phenomenal product. Owen does an incredible job of producing the kind of content I want to read without cluttering it with ads, clickbait, or nonsense. I used to be subscribed to dozens of tech feeds and would just scroll by them all saying the same things. With re:Charged I just see the things I would want to read anyways.

Loving it, happy to be part of this!

Note: Been longer than 1 month but shorter than 1 year. Come on PH :P


NO ADS, succinct, great place to discuss



Pedro Marques

I'm part of the re:Charged community before it was cool and tbh it has been always cool.

The content itself is great, it bleeds @ow's personality which is great! I've been a a fan of the podcast for a while and to get that in a daily basis is fantastic.

Saves me a LOT OF TIME and protects me from autoplaying videos.


Great and insightful content - No bs and straight to the point.


It cover the highlights of the day, so if some shit goes down during the day you'll only get a digest the next day, I want moar.

Mary Filimanchuk
I've been a huge fan of Ow's weekly newsletter for more than a year or so, and I'm really looking forward to join re:Charged community. Thanks for a great reads, insights and your personal touch 🎉
John O'Nolan
It has been wonderful to watch this be built so far, and can't wait to see what's next. Big congrats on shipping and launching!
Owen Williams
@johnonolan We did it and I'll still try Ghost soon ;) <3 <3

I've been a subscriber since the beginning and out of all the newsletter I receive, including the many I accidentally subscribe to, this is one of the only ones I look forward to and mention to friends and colleagues. It keeps you up to date, without having to filter through all the tech news sites there are nowadays.


Great content and the only newsletter I actively read and look forward to. Rarely mentions something I'm already aware of.


None so far

Nicolas Le Roux
Awesome project. I would love to see it sent on Facebook Messenger as well. You can do it really easily with https://www.botletter.com Please contact me if you want to know more ;)
Owen Williams
@nico_lrx this is something I'm actively working on. I love the idea but I'm halfway there with an integration. Sell me on it? ;)
Nicolas Le Roux
@ow Well, with Botletter you can start sending your newsletter after a dead-simple configuration. You only need a page, configure your opt-in messages and you are ready to go. Also, we provide detailed analytics for your newsletters: open-rate, click-rate and the detail for each subscriber. We created an interface so that sending your newsletter is quick and easy to do. Moreover, I can send you a special code to add the Facebook checkbox plugin to your sign up form. Doing so, people will be subscribed without any hassle. If you are interested to discuss this further, you can contact me at nicolas@botletter.com Looking forward to it! ;)
John Collins

Email newsletters really are enjoying a resurgance and re:Charged is definitely one of the ones I open every day.


Fresh take on the tech news, rarely covers things I already know


None so far

Jake Cohn
Love the weekly :)
Owen Williams
@leftearpod yay! Thanks John, super appreciate it <3
Adam Haworth

I've been using re:Charged since day 1 of the earliest alpha. It's changed the way I approach news - I have learnt to rely on Owen's daily emails to keep myself updated on the tech world. Even if I'm already aware of a news story, what's great is that the daily email is still worth reading.

The community is young but ties the whole thing together. In the time that it's been around, I've already found my own views challenged. It's a lovely, slow-web way to remove yourself slightly from whatever bubble you find yourself in.

It's worth paying for. Stop wasting time trying to play catch up. Rely on re:Charged.


You can forget about trying to chase the news and know that the most important stuff will be in your inbox in the morning.


Not sure there's anything as yet.