
Fluently - Level up your comprehension in any language


Fluently helps you improve your reading and listening comprehension in the language of your choice thanks to local newspaper article and its audio file sent to you each day.

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Donny Harding
I really like the idea of this. My native language is English but is speak Portuguese and Spanish. I haven’t practiced either in a long time. It’s not something on top of mind so I never actively seek out anything that’ll help me keep up with either language. Will be signing up🙌
Josh Best
@donny_harding oh I totally agree. I used to be so good at Spanish and I never use it so now I speak like a 4 year old vocal wise. I’ll def be signing up as well
Ivo Pereira
Do you plan on supporting further languages? Seems an awesome idea!
Austin Fernald
Very cool idea! I’ll have to check it out
David Lowe
Do you have any more info? I am learning Spanish. What inspired you to launch this? How do users receive the audio files?
@davidjlowe Fluenty is a bot that will send you each day in your case the url of an article of an hispanic newspaper and its audio file that you can play directly in messenger. I'm a student in France, i wanted a tool that could help me practice for my english exam. By receiving every day a local newspaper article including its audio file helps me improve my reading and listening comprehension in English and keep up with the actuality. Hope it will help other people to improve their comprehension in any language.
Hugo Villain

Please correct my review 😅


I was set up in a minute, made it through the first podcast and learnt the verb to excoriate


I had to google "excoriated" because well, I'm learning. Problem is : once I found the definition, I was lost in the podcast/article!

James Cerone
I'm super interested in this but the landing page doesn't let me sign up and I can't find the Facebook Messenger Fluently. How did you sign up?