The first WhatsApp client that supports exporting conversations, multiple accounts and is helping you to protect your privacy. Thereby it looks amazing both in light and dark mode. Give it a try!
Thanks for building this app.
I've got some questions:
1. Why does it require a subscription?
2. Is there a plan for an iPad version?
3. Why does your app require so much data? (As highlighted on your AppStore page under App Privacy)
Dear @nimasakhtemani ;
of course I would like to answer your questions.
1. Why does it require a subscription?
I have been developing and maintaining the predecessors of ChatMate Pro for WhatsApp, which were called "App for WhatsApp" and later "ChatMate for WhatsApp" since 2015. This has turned out to be a full time job, as often updates have to be published, when WhatsApp changes technical aspects of their service. In order to make this possible, going with subscriptions is the only way. I have written a full article on the subject at in case you are looking for more details.
2. Is there a plan for an iPad version?
While I usually don't comment on future plans for Apps, it is safe to say that I'm absolutely considering publishing an iPad version of ChatMate Pro for WhatsApp. Apart of that, I would like to highlight that there already is an iPad version of ChatMate for WhatsApp. You can find it in the App Store at
3. Why does your app require so much data? (As highlighted on your AppStore page under App Privacy)
ChatMate Pro for WhatsApp is a WhatsApp client. Therefore we have two parties involved that will collect data. Us and WhatsApp. While we collect only little data (mostly regarding the licensing of the App), WhatsApp collects all kinds of data. As I want the user to know as much as possible about what data is collected, I chose to tick all the privacy related boxes on the App Store, that WhatsApp themselves have ticket. I want to highlight on this occasion, that no message contents or contact informations are ever transmitted to or via our servers. You can find more info about ChatMate Pro and privacy in our privacy policy at
Please let me know in case you have any further questions.
Hey Product hunters!
7 years ago I developed the original App for WhatsApp. Back then, I had no idea that it would change my life, become my full time job and be used by more than a million people around the world!
Today I’m extremely thrilled to launch ChatMate Pro for WhatsApp, which marks a complete rewrite of its predecessors and is more powerful than ever.
I have packed this version with new features like support for exporting conversations and multiple accounts, that will open up new ways of using WhatsApp on your Mac. All that wrapped in a user interface that is just gorgeous.
Together with full support for WhatsApp Business it is truly ChatMate gone Pro.
Enjoy the power of „Pro“ and let me know what you think!