Tim Nolet

Checkly 2.0 - Monitor your modern web app in 1 minute. Free dev plan!

Checkly is the active monitoring platform for devs building modern web apps. Use JavaScript to monitor the performance and correctness of your web apps and APIs. Leverage our script recorder and integrations to setup global checks in a minute for free!

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Tim Nolet
Hi, I'm Tim, the creator of Checkly. I started Checkly as a solo founder and launched on PH with a beta version in 2018. We now serve more than 250 paying customers like Vercel, 1Password, and Humio. We also added soooo many cool new things — like a free plan for developers 💕 — that I thought it was time for second Product Hunt post. Today, Checkly is a monitoring platform for developers working on modern web apps: - Frontend monitoring using real browsers and Playwright & Puppeteer scripts. - API monitoring with assertions and flexible Node.js based setup / teardown scripts - Check on a schedule or trigger checks from GitHub PRs. Kinda like E2E testing! - Alerting through Slack, Pagerduty, Discord, SMS, Webhooks etc. etc. - 20 global monitoring locations - Free public dashboards - Public API to create checks programmatically To monitor your frontend, we run JavaScript and open-source powered browser checks. You can dive into the code yourself or use Headless Recorder (https://www.producthunt.com/post...) our popular open-source Chrome extension, to create Puppeteer and Playwright scripts. Developers can use our free plan that comes with everything you need to monitor small projects. I would love to hear any feedback on the product and how we can make Checkly even better; whether for your private dev project or your business use cases. 🙏 Check it out at https://checklyhq.com/
Tim Nolet
@csaba_kii tnx so much Csaba! We try our best!
Bogdan Ionita
Great looking dev tool, can raise awareness in the team, looking fwd to giving it a go
Tim Nolet
@bogdan_ionita that would be awesome. Just sign up for a trial. That will give you all the features. We automatically convert your trial to a free plan BTW so there are really no down side ;o)
Kelly Kampen
I was actually just looking at Checkly two days ago. Its lovely, but missing a critical feature that I need in my business case. I need to have other services "check-in" every XX minutes. If they have not checked in then they are down. The reason for this is they are systems that do not have inbound webhooks or are isolated for outbound only.
Tim Nolet
@kellykampen Gotcha, we use this cron type / dead man switch monitoring ourselves too. If you wish, give this roadmap issue a bump https://github.com/checkly/publi... because you are not the only user bringing this up. In the meantime, I'd recommend https://healthchecks.io/. We use it and it's a great companion to Checkly.
@kellykampen @tim_nolet1 What you're looking for are cron monitoring services. Healthchecks.io is one but there are heaps of similar ones.
Kelly Kampen
@tim_nolet1 thanks so much for the info. I upvoted the feature as well. Ultimately it would be ideal to have all status checks (web, api & cron/dead man) in a single app. Then its "Take my money please" :)
Excited to try out the free plan for my side projects (Even though they, of course, never go down :D)!
Tim Nolet
@tehwey haha, famous last words!
Sune B. Thorsen
This is exactly what I needed! 👏 Thanks for including a free tier too. Will be using that to test things out :)
Tim Nolet
@sunebthorsen More than welcome! Let me know if you hit issues or bugs!
Jake Cooper
We've been using Checkly at https://railway.app/ for the past 4ish months It's been phenomenal. Super easy to get setup, works flawlessly and intuitively Honestly couldn't recommend it enough and Tim + the team are super receptive/quick to help
Max Schmitt
awesome product, perfect to monitor my services.
Timo Euteneuer
@mxschmitt great to hear, thanks!
Jim Engine
The UI looks promising and 550.703.668 API checks is impressing.
Tim Nolet
@officialexaking thanks! The number is total vanity metrics but it is up to the second correct!
Jordan Lunetta
Hey @tim_nolet1 - looks awesome! Great work to you and the rest of the team!
Natasha Smith
Prettie Richardson
A+ Work