Own a piece of only the finest aged dairy Products
Jake Severn
nTEL (Network Intelligence) β€” Rate and recommend your favorite Slack groups
I wanted to create a place you can read reviews about Slack Groups in order to find the one which is best fit for you!
Jake Severn
I came upon this idea while struggling to sort through a bunch of dead or irrelevant Slack Groups. Help others figure out which groups are the most useful!
🌈The Largest Startup Slack: Startup Stud
This is a good idea and looking forward to reviews of other communities.
Jake Severn
@ssgslack Thank you!
Dabdragon industries in conjunction with CryptoArt League has given this project it's Approval
Jake Severn
@dragon4366 Thank you!
This is an excellent idea, what a great platform to share product information and experience! I have the best of both worlds using this for product and technology and Cent to share the finished product! CryptoArt League is very happy about this
My pleasure my friend! Happy to be part of this group
It's a very good idea, congratulations!
Jake Severn
@axi Thank you!!