
Cheeze Wizards - A blockchain battle royale from the CryptoKitties team


Cheeze Wizards is a crypto-native experiment where players use ether to summon Wizards to compete in a global tournament for the title — and prize — of Big Cheeze. Every Wizard is a non-fungible token that players can collect and duel.

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Mack Flavelle
Greetings from Dapper Labs. Since launching CryptoKitties we’ve been eager to explore a new corner of the blockchain map. Cheeze Wizards is our latest experiment, a global player-versus-player experience where players summon Wizards, compete in duels and form parties. The goal: battle it out and win big by becoming the Big Cheeze. Each Wizard is a non-fungible token (like your CryptoKitties!) with a unique identity and art. Each token is designed for extensibility, creating new value and experiences for players by empowering independent creators and third-party developers to make their own cheezy tools, projects, and features.
Karan Ganesan
@mackflavelle is it free to play ? Do I need to tokens to play ?
Mack Flavelle
@karanganesan hey. unfortunately not f2p. We're gonna get there with our games, but this is one is meant for cryptoholders. We assume most of our players will already own Eth and are looking for fun ways to play with it.
Ryan Hoover
Unsurprisingly ridiculous style. Love it, @mackflavelle I'm super curious what your ideation and game-making process is like. 🤔
Alan / Falcon
@mackflavelle @rrhoover Mack says, “We need Highlander on the blockchain,” and lo there can be only one.
Arthur Camara
@mackflavelle @rrhoover love that you love It! ❤️❤️❤️
Mack Flavelle
@rrhoover a couple different things converged to bring this to life: 1. A lifelong obsession with highlander, the tv show, not the movies. As a kid watched it with my dad, as an adult with my wife, and now with my kids (sometimes.) #therecanbeonlyone 2. Trying to make a cryptogame for cryptopeople. Dapper Labs exists to bring the values of decentralization to 1B people, but that ain't all going to happen this year. So as we prepare for the future we want to continue to explore the horizons of blockchain gaming. 3. Ralph Bakshi's Wizards. You seen this? It's un-believably beautiful, especially considering how old it is. 4. I watched an episode of Chef's Table where they go to the cheese maker who makes Parmesan and the craftsmanship of it all really took my breath away. 5. Combine all those things with an incredible team of blockchain designers and developers and falls out the other side!

You have a Gouda thing going on.


Super cheesy


Could be cheesier : )

Reggie James
Love this. But what if I’m lactose intolerant?
Fabiano PS
@hipcityreg We might need Guile for a final confirmation, but quite sure dragon milk is lactose-free!
Tyler van der Hoeven
Cheese Whizards!
Jim McNelis

A fun take on rock-paper-scissors with some real cheddar at stake. battle cheeze wizards to win the big prize!


Lot's of CHEEZE


Could use moar CHEEZE

Randy Saaf
Another great clever game! Looking forward to the tournament.
Tyler van der Hoeven
When does a Neutral wizard get its identity?
Mack Flavelle
@tyvdh should be sorted out now, let me know if not.
Paul Shuteyev
@mackflavelle How about an interview about Cheeze Wizards at
Mack Flavelle
@paul_shuteyev hey! Email Mack at and we’ll see what we can figure out.
Murphian Xiao

_eat it !





Jim Dubs

This is my chance to fulfill my lifelong goal of becoming the Big Cheeze


The flavour and creaminess


No pickles on the side

Vadim Koleoshkin

I already want to battle and form a party :)


Super old and well know mechanics reimagined with new technologies and game mechanics


Unclear how the gameplay will look like