Our 100% free 33,790+ Chrome Extension database is built just for entrepreneurs and developers looking for new side project ideas. It tells you what popular browser extensions are badly reviewed, so you can build a better version!
Scraping chrome extension store for chrome extension with high users, low reviews. Placed it in a table. Sorted by ratio. Now you have your next companies to build!
Yep, this is genius.
Can you say a bit about how idea score is generated?
Any plans to make a paid version? I would pay :)
Amazing and cannot wait to use it! Right now, making a Keyword extension, then will be diving into this.
Great launch, followed your Twitter too.
@esus It was originally a paid tool and I had about $300 in early bird sales!
I decided to refund everyone and launch a 100% free version instead!
What would you like to see in a paid version?
I'll simply add it to the free version here :)
That's the awesome idea!
I've heard lots of stories and anecdotes about people buying extensions like this and then growing them like 10X in 1 year by just doing good customer service and product improvements
Good luck with the launch!
As far as I remember, parsing the plugin store is considered a breach of Google TOS.
I toyed with the same idea for a while but didn't want to cross Google lawyers in any way, so I scrapped it.
But with 100% free, you'll probably be OK.
Anyway, good job, and good luck with the launch
This database could be a goldmine for developers and entrepreneurs! Finding poorly reviewed browser extensions can lead to awesome side project ideas and improvements. Congrats on the launch!
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