Tibo Vincent-Ducimetière

Chunks - A new way to write a whole bunch of stuff

✍️chunks is an app for writers and non-writers. Just write like you'd be writing on messenger! ✌️

We've never been writing and reading as much as we are today with social media. This is an opportunity for anyone who likes or needs to write to experiment with different formats and develop new ideas!

If you have any feedback, please tell me below 👇!

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Needs typewriter mode. Doesn't really seem to be made with the writer in mind.
Tibo Vincent-Ducimetière
@hellotom Thanks tom! Gonna work on that, I didn't actually know about typewriter mode
Garg Ankit
Looks nice. But signing up just for the sake of trying it out doesn't really fit nice with me. Maybe give a link where one can just try before making an account?
Tibo Vincent-Ducimetière
@graciousgarg yes you're right! the signing up/onboarding process was supposed to be a little different at first but eventually stayed this way. I'll make a quick test link and post it here shortly.
Alex Walker
@graciousgarg @tttiiibbbooo Yep, demo looks kinda interesting, but the equation you're offering is : "Give me your email because trust me, it's good!" Your microcopy is almost charming enough to pull that off. But not quite. But this is a different kind of app, and at the start no-one knows if it's a valuable idea or not yet - not even you or your mom. Allowing as many people to find out for themselves without any friction is probably your best way to find out (yes there are resource costs to consider too). If people can try it, but don't need an account to save, you let people try it without having to store anything. In fact, it works two ways for you. 1) More users get the chance to find out if the product is for them. 2) You get more real, raw user data on whether to continue to develop the idea, and how. Cheers,
Tibo Vincent-Ducimetière
@graciousgarg @alexmwalker Hey Alex, you're totally right and I guess the thoughts I haven't put into the entry point of the app screwed the launch a bit. Your message is very insightful and gives me a lot of ideas for v2 in terms of design, user retention and business model. Thanks a lot!!
Tibo Vincent-Ducimetière
Hey! Tibo here, I'm the creator of chunks! 👋 I'm all alone creating this product and this is my first one so it is probably flawed and incomplete. I'm fully aware of it and would really love to hear ideas, suggestions, or read what you came up with using chunks! The design philosophy behind chunks came up to me as I was reorganizing my kitchen — it's funny how when you change things a bit and make some spices or tools more accessible to you, your cooking is totally different. I think we need more and more design experiments with basic computer tools (word processing, calculators, spreadsheets) to help people work differently (and hopefully better!) and create new types of computing skills and digital formats. Chunks is a first experiment, hopefully followed by more in the future :) If you're interested in this project or would like to discuss, do not hesitate to contact me here or on twitter. I'm currently looking forward to meet new interesting makers and product-addicts. Hope to hear from you!
Archie Hicklin
Really beautifully designed!
Tibo Vincent-Ducimetière
@suparchie Wow thanks a lot!
Sebastian Cardozo
I've been using it for the last couple of hours to write ideas for my clients and I love it!
Tibo Vincent-Ducimetière
@sebcardozo7 That's so cool! Very glad you like it!
Will Robins
Clean look. I can see the vision! Definitely clean space to jot down ideas and group them fast
Kaitlyn Hanrahan
Really neat idea! Are Chunks meant to be edited / reorganized after entry? I would hope so, but maybe that's not what you're trying to do. It would be nice of your website gave more info on how that works (assuming it exists).
Tibo Vincent-Ducimetière
@kaitlynhanrahan Hi Kaitlyn, indeed they're not as it is. Chunks was a design experiment focusing on letting people write freely without thinking about corrections, grammar, or anything — just like a casual talk with a blank screen. And so you're right, some features lack too much and some design choices were too extreme for a simple writing tool. However I'm currently planning a v2 where chunks could be a real writing app (and with a real website :)), so your comment (and all others) helps me a lot figuring out how to improve it! Thank you!
Kaitlyn Hanrahan
@tttiiibbbooo It really is a clever idea! And makes 100% sense that v1 would just be the clever/unique part. But for me to use it, I would need a way to process these chunks in some way. Otherwise, what's the point of getting them out of my head if they're just lost in this app? Unless it really is just the clarifying exercise of having a conversation with yourself... which is certainly valuable, too. Maybe I will try v1 ;-)
Patrick Bulgin
Cool idea! Design looks clean and smooth. Great work!
Tibo Vincent-Ducimetière
@callback_tracker Thank you Patrick! Glad you like it :)