Nolan Beise

Circl — Meet your brain, live smarter.

Are you are using your brain to its fullest potential? The Circl headset allows you to track how your mental ability is changing over time. Measure when you are at your smartest, when you need a break, and what works best to sharpen your cognition.

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Nolan Beise
I founded Circl because I wanted to better understand my brain and avoid burn out. I have since learnt a lot of surprising things about my brain by measuring it For instance, my Monday brain performance is typically twice that of my brain on Friday. So Fridays I tend to do simpler things and make sure I have a restful weekend.
Ryan Hoover
Fascinating space. How did you start working on this, @nolan_beise?
Nolan Beise
@rrhoover I worked on brains in my PhD and then made friends with a prof who was an expert at mobile EEG back when it was first starting out and so we built our first company in this space to explore how this tech could help. We mostly focused initially on empowering academics to answer brain health questions at scale.