I did not try because, they request lots of permissions for Google.
+ http://circleme.com/curated_items it is a neat idea. Because this kind of products are community driven
+ @rrhoover How this product has 24 upvotes, by the others are still 1-2
Great to be on this list, and to see the support. Tx all!
Note that we just had a major release this past Friday. You can read a bit more here: http://blog.circleme.com/2014/05...@ozguralaz tx for the comments. Understand the G+ doubt, even though in social media several have same requests as these. Great that you like the "curators" program.
@ugurkaner sorry about that, it was a mistake on our part. TheNextWeb selected us as "one of the best apps" of December 2013. Not it is corrected. Tx a lot.
@philipithomas, this is important feedback from us. We want to be the main destination for anyone who "wants to keep up to date with all their interests in life" but I realize that we can improve comm and UX. Tx for the feedback.
@eriktberg, actually it has nothing to do (and I like that service, btw). :) Now sure where you saw that similarity.
@ozguralaz@yvoschaap I'm well aware that there is some gaming going on. Reality is, it's a good sign (means people care) and not an unsolvable problem.
I have plans to address this but don't want to derail the conversation thread here. :) Please feel free to drop me an email and we'll discuss there if you'd like! ryan[at]ryanhoover.me.
Landing pages that don't contain anything except for a vague tagline and a sign-up flow need to die. There are too many new products to try out there (as this site clearly shows) - don't make me hunt and justify to myself why I should sign up for yours.
This makes sense and @rrhoover is right. I got asked to share a couple of products (that are complete, and more than launched not landing pages) but after that it's impossible to prevent people to ask their friends to upvote their product cc @ozguralaz@yvoschaap
Oh and one last thing, in this specific case European people have a timezone advantage. Every daily list of products on PH is initialized at midnight PST, that means 9.00am CEST. So for EU people and products is ease to get an early boost of upvotes when US people (and products) are not active yet. cc @rrhoover
We made an update to the ranking a few weeks ago (details here) and will continue playing with it. It takes into account time since the product was posted to give products submitted late in the day an opportunity to get deserved attention.
@rrhoover, I think you are trying to manage well the problem and as a matter of fact I noticed the ranking behaviour during the day and us loosing first spot regardless of number of votes. I tend to agree with your changes.
@bshih, I know what you mean. For the first 18 months we had a different approach and showed most of the content. We A/B test many decisions we make. Conversion rates were lower this way. This landing works better to have people try the product. Having said this, I am open to suggestions, and as a matter of fact we are considering also a new approach to show more content. Tx.
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