While I'm not convinced of the benefits of an extra app just to track my brushing & flossing, I do love the contemporary design & environmentally friendly compostable brush heads. And the subscription plan! It shouldn't be hard to do but somehow I am always forgetting to replace/buy brush heads for my current Oral B brush. A delivery in the mail would not only mean I'm never out, it would be the trigger to actually switch to a new one.
My number one qualm is that it's not electronic; marketing/research by Oral B & co has done a pretty good job convincing me I'm less effective when brushing on my own power. Would love to see them address that concern ("what really IS the difference in brushing effectiveness between hand powered & electronic?") since audience who'd pay for this seems to overlap strongly with audience who's already invested in some sort of advanced toothbrush.
For 70 bucks I'd rather buy the 2-3 toothbrushes I buy a year (one due to wear/tear, 2 due to loss) and include a visit to the dentist. I agree with the environmental issue but to make a difference you need to convince the majority that a 70 buck a year open-source toothbrush is worth every penny. Doesn't even include toothpaste!
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