
GitHub Writer - An Open Source WYSIWYG editor for GitHub


GitHub Writer is an Open Source browser extension that brings WYSIWYG editing to issues, comments, pull requests, wikis and discussions in GitHub. It accepts Markdown input and offers productive writing, starting with tables.

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Joël Galeran
And it's open source https://github.com/ckeditor/gith... Nice!
Markdown is powerful, but unergonomic to write. WYSIWYG is a great authoring experience, but is often too rich to compile down to Markdown. GitHub Writer is a cool extension that lets me have the best of both worlds!
Frederico Knabben
Hello Hunters! Today we are announcing GitHub Writer to let you enjoy the ease of use of WYSIWYG editing in GitHub. ✍️ As creators of two WYSIWYG editors, you can guess that plain text Markdown has not been our favorite. We use GitHub extensively and feel the struggle the built-in Markdown editor creates. We have thus decided to bring our product, CKEditor 5 (https://ckeditor.com/ckeditor-5/), to it and see how we can improve the situation. Roughly half a year later we present to you GItHub Writer. GitHub Writer is a browser extension that is based on CKEditor 5, a JavaScript rich-text editor with a modular, plugin based architecture and real-time collaboration capabilities. GitHub Writer has all the features available in the GitHub plain-text editor, including Markdown input, but offers a writing experience where you don’t need to switch to preview to see how your content will look when you submit it. This comes in handy especially in case of features like tables, where Markdown is not user-friendly at all. We are happy to announce the product here and we cannot wait for your feedback. Let us know the changes you’d like to see and issues you run into and ways we can make the extension better for everyone. After all GitHub Writer is an Open Source project. 😉 P.S. We love our side projects at CKEditor. We created another browser extension for GitHub in the past. HangHub (https://www.producthunt.com/post...) is a team productivity tool that allows you to see the users who are working on the same GitHub issue or pull request as you in real time. 👫
Wojtek Cichoń
Fingers crossed for this and I'm on my way to install it ✌️
Gokce Tosun
@wojtekidd Let us know how you like it! 😉
Lucjan Suski
Is there any reason to constrain it to GitHub only?
Gokce Tosun
@lucjan_suski There really isn't! CKEditor 5 can fit in anywhere really. 😉
Steve Butterworth
@lucjan_suski @gokcetosun Would live to see a way of being able to switch this on with any md text field on any site
Gokce Tosun
@lucjan_suski @stevewillbe Thanks for the encouraging feedback 🤗 I’ve been told this could be doable. It was quite the task with Github because of how many features GitHub supports. However biggest obstacle would be Markdown engines since they usually differ.
Joël Galeran
On Firefox the extension is asking for "Access your data for sites in the s3.amazonaws.com and github.com domains" I was curious for s3 and found this in the code // The following are domains used by GitHub to upload files. We need to have permissions on them, so we avoid cross-origin issues when mimicking the upload within the GitHubUploadAdapter class.
Frederico Knabben
@jolg42 Yes, that's how uploads work in GitHub: a xhr request to github.com for "setup" (no file sent), followed by a request to s3 with the file data and metadata from the previous request ;)
Charlie Doern
Sleek and super useful, I like it!
Ben Mehling
Looks super useful! Any roadmap to support GitLab?
Mike Brenner
This is great! Thanks so much for making this 🙌. ?makers - I've received the following error a handful of times when trying to edit a comment, and then it won't let me proceed. The workaround is to refresh the page and attempt to save again, which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. "This textarea was not sync'ed with Github Writer" (screenshot: https://share.getcloudapp.com/nO...)
Gokce Tosun
@mikemakes Glad you liked it Mike! But about the error, would you mind sharing the issue on GitHub with details of the steps that led to it? https://github.com/ckeditor/gith...
Ema Suriano
OMG thanks a lot for providing a quick and fast way to create tables <3
Yevhenii Peteliev
Greaat idea! Looks very useful. I can't wait when I try it :) Congratulations!
Gokce Tosun
@peteliev Thanks! Let us know how it goes 😉
Yekta Göktaş
Great extension that will meet my needs, congratz! I'd love to see a line spacing option as well. Cuz, now it is automatically adding space between paragraphs and sometimes we may not want to add spaces between paragraphs of the same style. Thank you!
Gokce Tosun
@yekta_goktas Glad to hear that and thank you for the feedback. Shift + enter should solve this 🤗
Akhilesh Yadav
I wish if it was available for other platforms like gitlab, bitbucket.