Alexander Haque

Clerk Chat - Enable SMS for your business through Slack

Clerk enables teams to send SMS directly from Slack.
✅Leverage Slack as your central SMS hub
✅Unique phone numbers per channel allow your team to collaborate
✅Great $5 add-ons (int'l #, import your own #, enabling multiple #s)

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Alexander Haque
I found Clerk after wanting to offer SMS to my father's clients at his accounting firm. I was tired of responding on the corporate phone all day & wanted an integration via Slack where all the other employees we chatting anyways. Clerk is the perfect integration that 'just works'! Clerk's flexible starter plan is $9.99 with super affordable $5 add-ons. All other options I found were priced north of $100/ month built exclusively for enterprise. Pros: -Enable SMS for your business, right from Slack -Allow team-members to collaborate & respond to customers -Caller-ID feature allows me to know who is texting -MMS / photos & videos / Emojis enabled even on Free plan -Add Clerk to multiple threads and have one or multiple number(s) to leverage for sales / customer service / marketing -$5 adds on have saved my life- importing my father's local Montreal number was a cinch and the founders responded in minutes Cons: -Wish there was an 'import' contacts feature enabled -My SMS to Clerk has exploded to having the bot notify me about how many messages I have not responded to would be great
Will Chertoff
Thanks for Hunting Clerk @alexanderhaque! đŸ˜șđŸ˜» It has been a great project @iboshoer and I have been building for the last few months after we couldn't find an affordable SMS-to-Slack solution. 📳 In fact, similar to your father's accounting firm, it was my friend who was looking for a way to leverage SMS for her clinic but didn't want a whole new platform to communicate with her patients outside of slack just to book and confirm appointments. Email was just not effective, especially given the fact that 98% of text messages are read and replied to within FIVE minutes. ✔ So, Clerk was born from 4 simple premises: 1. If you have customers or team members out of the office, one of the best ways to get your message in front of them is through text. 2. Now that almost everyone has a smartphone, SMS and MMS are becoming consumers’ and employees’ preferred way of connecting with companies and brands. 3. But choosing a platform for this kind of service isn’t always easy. 4. We’re already logged in to emails, CRM tools, website backends – the list is endless. If you're already using Slack everyday then don’t add another app or program to your list, just add the Clerk Slack app. What would that kind of visibility do for your business? 💯PH Special, of course: And just for the next 24 hours for our Product Hunters, we are giving you 1 month free! Just install Clerk to get your special promotion
Igor Boshoer
Just wanted to add that we are obsessed with user-experience which is not only why we turned to SMS as a solution but also how we strive to make Clerk dead-simple to integrate to Slack: 1. Go to & install it to the slack workplace of your choice 2. Type /invite clerk to a channel to have your # provisioned 3. You can immediately start texting & receiving texts by typing /sms 4. Contacts are saved & text-ID is enabled across all plans 5. Affordable pricing from Free to $9.99 for 500 messages & $19.99 for 1200 (we also have enterprise pricing please contact us!) 6. $5 add-ons included international texting, importing your existing business #, multiple channels & more!
Dennis Caplun
The program works fine and easy, and if you have any questions the helpdesk really helps you well. I would recommend Clerk to anyone! The best part, it really improves your sales!
Igor Boshoer
We are glad you are enjoying Clerk. thanks for upvoting @exself!
Maryam Sabour
Super easy to use! Streamlines messaging so it can all happen from one place and the add-on features are great. Highly recommend (especially since it’s much cheaper than any alternative)!
Igor Boshoer
@sabourmaryam thanks for being an early adopter. Enjoy the two months free from product hunt!
Stephen Campbell
@sabourmaryam @iboshoer Is it two months or one? (you mentioned one in your intro here)
Igor Boshoer
@stephenalan it's one month free from product hunt and one month free for every referral.
Andreas Duess
Just gave this a test install - works really well!
Will Chertoff
@andreasduess Thanks for being an early adopter! Much appreciated đŸ™đŸ»
John Lunn
Love focused, helpful tools like this!
Will Chertoff
@johnlunn Thank you so much for trying out clerk! Let us know what we can do to make your experience better.
Devan Abinaya
your produck unique and verry nice. i hope success for your produck. good job
donald guarino
Way cool guys. Just gave it a download and looks great - e-mailed with a few specific use case questions. Look forward to hearing back. Cheers!
Igor Boshoer
@donaldguarino thanks! Someone from our team will get back to you.
Oliver Pecha
Very impressive, keep up the good work!
Tim Lynch
We are launching a new service this week and to give site visitors the ability with one click to start an SMS conversation with us is good. To have it go into a Slack channel is Awesome!
Igor Boshoer
@tim_lynch2 that's great. Enjoy!
Benjo Libor
All the best to Clerk. But rethink your marketing strategy. I received spam, you're ignoring the rules, guys. No good idea for a young company