GDPR Compliance Test - Test your app or site for GDPR compliance
GDPR Compliance Test is an online service that lets verify website or app’s readiness to renewed rules around protecting customer data. The Test is easy to use and provides valuable customized recommendations on how to get ready to GDPR compliance.
Seems to be very helpful stuff to see that my site meets the most important GDPR requirements.
Pros:Nice interactions and fast result
Cons:I’d love to see a more detailed requirement list as 10 questions is not enough to cover all the points
Nice job! You guys made a very concise list of the rules that necessarily have to be followed. I love the design and simplicity. The doc I’ve received on email looks more like user stories which works great for me.
Pros:Cool test to check an app’s Privacy policy and reconcile to user’s admissions
Cons:Hope you’ll go into more details