Andrew Ettinger - Organize charter busses for events

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Csaba Kissi
Interesting idea how save some money and find new friends or even co-founders :)
Ariana Morrow

Our wedding day was nearly ruined by Steve was sent to check the bus route only 2 days before the event and told us that it could not be done because of bridge weight limit. This was on the route he printed off MapQuest. The person in charge of planning routes doesn’t know how to use GPS. After explaining that he printed the wrong directions and showed him the correct route, we were back on. The next day he calls again to tell us he can’t do the trip. 1 day before our wedding. This time due to a low hanging wire on the road. I had to drop what I was doing (we set this wedding up ourselves at a private residence and time was precious) and I went to measure this wire myself to prove it was higher than 11ft. It was 14ft above the ground. So we were back on. Day of the wedding a shorter bus rolls in to the property testing the route and delivers the news a third time that the route can’t be done because the bus would be too long to make the turns needed. Solutions were suggested and I thought it was decided to use two shorter buses that could clearly make the trip. Instead we ended up with the one bus and shuttling our guests from 3 miles up the road. When the night was complete we had most our guests including 85 year old grandparents waiting to get back to the hotel sitting on the bus for 2 hours. I was embarrassed and appalled. All this would have been acceptable had it not all had to be figured out the day of. Even two weeks notice would’ve been more than satisfactory. We could’ve rented some shuttle vans instead direct from the hotel. We were left with little options to resolve the issue on this short of notice and it almost ruined one of the most important days of our lives.




Quality assurance of the buses being chartered appears to be non existent