Neil Patel

Content Decay by ClickFlow - Free tool to see posts on your site that are losing traffic

Content Decay analyzes your Google Analytics to show you pages on your site that are declining in traffic—so you can refresh those posts and win back lost traffic.

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Brendan Hufford
I liked this tool better when it was called Revive and was made by Animalz six months ago.
Eric Siu
@brendan_hufford Love Revive and Animalz. It's a great feature and we are not competitive with them.
Brendan Hufford
@ericosiu lol Eric, please do better. I really do hope you can be better than this. Your tools are, side by side, the exact same UI, layout, colors, and everything.
David Henzel
Looks awesome! Thank you for building this!
Eric Siu
@davidhenzel Thank YOU!
Brendan Hufford
@davidhenzel You can thank Animalz for building it six months ago. They just built the exact same tool (even used the same colors and UI). 😞
Neil Patel
In 2020, it’s not enough for content marketers to just publish new blog content. You need to actively refresh and update old posts to win back lost traffic, too. Content Decay is a free tool that analyzes your Google Analytics and shows you exactly which pages are in need of a refresh. Check it out.
Adrian Nutiu
Looks great! I was actually testing several ways to manually track this at the moment.
Eric Siu
@adrian_nutiu hope this saves you some time!
Zach Grove
@adrian_nutiu How were you attempting to track this manually?
Adrian Nutiu
@zprgrove Search console, click difference using comparison report for 7 and 30 days, reported for pages. Or GA, pages filtered for organic traffic only.
Dave Rogenmoser
Looks awesome! Definitely trying this out. Seems like a quick win and some low hanging fruit.
Eric Siu
@dave_rogenmoser1 glad you feel that way! let us know how it goes for you.
Eric Siu
Thanks for the hunt Neil. Super pumped about this launch. I’m here to answer any questions. Content decay is just a piece of our suite that will help grow your traffic!
Austin Distel
Content Decay looks really polished! You guys have done a great job.
Eric Siu
@austindistel thanks! congrats on yours today as well :)
Xavier Wallach
Any chance I get get my Clickflow trial period renewed so I can test this new free tool?
Eric Siu
@xavier_wallach sure! Just hit us up via Intecom and we'll get that sorted for you
Şeyhmus Ölker
Looks great! Logical way to understand which post needs update 👏
Quick question, couldn’t the decline just be attributed to due to seasonal decline depending on the organisation?