Tommy Griffith

Digital Marketing Strategy Guide - Digital marketing strategy guide in a retro, 8-bit design 🎮

A digital marketing strategy guide in a retro, 8-bit design. Learn exactly how to massively increase traffic and sales from every digital marketing channel as quickly as possible. Inspired by old-school strategy guides from the ‘90s like Nintendo Power.

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Tommy Griffith
👋 Hi Product Hunters! If you know what I'm talking about when I say ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A START, you and I are gonna get along juuuuust fine.🕹️ If you played video games in the '90s, and you're interested in digital marketing, then this product is perfectly optimized for YOU. 🎮 We've created a digital marketing strategy guide that teaches you how to increase traffic and sales on your website. We did it with a retro, 8-bit design, inspired by old-school strategy guides from the ‘90s like Nintendo Power. 📖 There 8 different guides, covering: - Digital Marketing - Search Engine Optimization - Paid Advertising - Social Media Marketing - Email Marketing - Content Marketing - Web Analytics - Sales Funnels Each of the guides includes: 🗺️World Map: Learn how each digital marketing channel fundamentally works 💰Strategy: Step-by-step framework to launch profitable campaigns on every channel (no hacks, tips, or tricks here—just stuff that will actually get you results in the long run!) 📚Stats: How to avoid being overwhelmed with data and just focus on the few metrics that truly matter 🛠Power-ups: The essential tool stack to succeed (you don’t need dozens of advanced software tools) 👬Helpers: Find out who you can trust for helpful advice and avoid the “digital marketing media” industry 🚀Quickstart Guide: The exact steps you need to follow to boost ❌Traps: The most common mistakes people make that end up costing them countless hours and money (and how to avoid them) One last thing: we're going to launch hard copies of this guide as well! 📗 Stay tuned for that. 😎 So check it out, use it, and let us know what you think!
Mike Smith
First off the design is STUNNING. Impressive work @eduardoyi / @tommygriffith. Piggybacking off the traps section I'm curious what is the tactical mistake people make the most often with digital marketing beyond listening to thot leaders or imposter syndrome? Forgetting tags? poor URL structure? I'm sure you've seen hundreds of companies and individuals make the same basic mistake over and over again.
Tommy Griffith
@mrmikesmith Pull up a chair and grab a lemonade, pal. How many hours do you have? :p It really depends on the channel, but I think the biggest mistake is not thinking through a comprehensive strategy at the beginning. For example, I'm a big fan of doing search engine keyword research BEFORE getting started, to create a data-driven strategy across every channel. You'd be surprised at how many people just sit down and say "I'm going to write about X because I feel like it", when they can let the data guide them instead.
Mike Smith
@tommygriffith 👨🏼‍💼⑁🍹 <- me in my chair with lemonade: Makes sense. As a person who writes about X because I feel like it this hits home. Most of my writing is cathartic and a way to get my ideas out there but I really should do a little research before diving in. That said it is a harder challenge when I'm not trying to sell tea or supplements but instead selling myself and my ideas.
Eder Holguin
Very cool guide. I received an earlier version and I thought it was very well put together and informative.
Tommy Griffith
@ederman1 Thank you Eder! 🙌
Jim Huffman
Nice work @tommygriffith and @eduardoyi ! Thanks for putting this together. Your content is second to none. #daygame
Eduardo Yi
@jimwhuffman Thanks Jim!
Kathryn Aragon
This is one of the best guides I've seen. Super fun and incredibly useful. Well done, @tommygriffith
Eduardo Yi
@kathrynaragon Whoa! Thanks Kathryn 🔥
Adriana Maronese

ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! I was a beta user of this guide—excited to see this live :)


Super comprehensive! Fun to read :)


None that I can think of

Mark Phillips
Nice work as always Tommy and Clickminded team. This guide speaks to the 80's video game nerd in my soul. :)
Tommy Griffith
@monstermarkg YES Mark! This guy gets it 🤓
Molly Nicholson
You sure did put a lot of time and AWESOME thought into this guide! THANK YOU!
Renee Fishel
This is such a great visual breakdown. I'm really looking forward to go through all of these guides. This will also be super helpful as reference documents for internal meetings. Thanks @tommygriffith ! I always appreciate that you're constantly trying to show that even the little guy can make it in the digital world as long as they have the right tools and knowledge.
Tommy Griffith
@rfishel That's really sweet of you Renee, thank you so much!
Brian O'Grady
Hey @tommygriffith great looking guides - you have outdone yourself this time around...
Anton Sepetov
LOVE THIS! This is what life's about... having FUN!
Andrew Prickett
Legit! This is just the beta. Can't wait to see how the strategy guide evolves.
Megan Buckner Hickman

Love the old school game style





I think it is great, concise and helpful. Glad to read it.
Sunil Sew
Excellent and innovative Tommy! Thanks.
doddy hartady
thank you for this !! i have been digital marketing for 7 years, and this is the best digital marketing guide!! thank you again :)
James Elam
@tommygriffith, @eduardoyi - This is an excellent digital marketing guide that is the perfect compliment to ClickMinded courses. While this guide works independent of your courses, I see the masterclass links within it; as well as the information being useful on its own. Thanks for making this available, and I look forward to a printed version to have next to me on my desk for quick reference. You guys Rock!
Justin Wheeler
I like what @tommygriffith does and this is no exception. Hugely useful digital marketing strategy guide, presented in a fun way.
Tommy Griffith
@wheelerjustin Awesome, thanks Justin!
Ajay Pradeep S R
A guide worth for starters (y)
Jonti Bolles

Loved this! Saved to my favorites folder.


Stellar content is more than just fun, but actionable. Power Ups and Quick Start sections deliver everytime. 8-bit fun!


The color coding of Guides could use more contrast between Content Marketing, SEO Guides and Email Guides.