
Clockify for iOS - The only 100% free time tracker

Clockify is the only truly free time tracker. Unlimited users and features, free forever. Perfect for teams. Available for web, iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

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I'm a freelancer and will definitely give this app a try. The UI looks clean and I can always use help keeping track of my time.
Nick Dimitrijevic
I will be fan of Clockify forever! Suggestion: Tasks with the same name, that are tracked at different points in time, should be grouped in the report. At the moment, if I track task called "Replying Emails" 15 times a week, I'll have 15 entries in the report. Each entry ranges from 5 minutes to maybe 60 minutes. It would be much easier to have these tasks grouped in one, or at least an option to group the total amount of time. So that I can get a cleaner report, and more useful piece of information which is: how much total time I've spent on a specific repetitive task in one Week or Two Months, or whatever is time is the subject of a report.
@dimitrijevicnik Thanks! :) Grouping time entries is on our to-do list. In the meantime, you can create a project eg. "Office" and a task "Replying emails". Then, all those time entries will be grouped together (plus, you won't have to type the description any longer).
Ljubomir Simin
It has a very clean UI.
The web version is great. It really came a long way since it was first published last September. The iOS app also works great and makes time tracking really easy. When you need to run reports, the web version is there. Unlike all the other "free" time trackers, this one is REALLY free as you can use everything without ever paying a cent.
Nicoletta Greatti
II don't use this iOS App because the Project search&filter function does not work well like in the web version and I'm not able to choose the right Project. I use the web version.
Nicolás Scherzer
Please make it available in the Argentine App Store, I want to try it!
Nenad Milanovic
@nscherzer Hi Nicolas, we don't have any country limitations. Can you access it via this link? https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/... Thank you
Nicolás Scherzer
@sean_milanovic I could! It's strange, when I search for "Clockify" on the App Store it doesn't appear in the results. Thanks! Now, when I tried to Login with Google it crashes (I'm on iOS 10.3.3 iPhone 6S). Also https://clockify.me/login is blank (in Chrome it says "the server responded with a status of 500").
@nscherzer If you can, try updating your iOS to v11 and "Log in with Google" should work (Google changed their API). Browser log in should work fine now, we fixed the issue.
Nicolás Scherzer
@olicsan I discovered the problem on iOS: I already had an account with my gmail (with password, not with "Login with Google").
Patrick Bulgin
Can I track time by client, department and branch?
Nenad Milanovic
@callback_tracker Plenty of ways to sort and classify time entries. You can group time entries by projects, tags or tasks. You can group projects by client,...