An AI-powered calendar assistant
John Lilly
Clockwise — Making your calendar work for you.
Clockwise is an intelligent calendar assistant that frees up your time so you can work on what matters. We use AI to create uninterrupted blocks of time, enhance Slack, take the stress out of complex scheduling, resolve double bookings, and so much more.
Matt Martin
Hi PH, we're live! 🚀 I'm the CEO & co-founder of Clockwise and I'm excited to introduce what we've been working on to the Product Hunt community. Over our private beta period we’ve given back over 12,000 hours of focus time to high performing teams at companies like Lyft, Coursera, Lattice, and many more. Now we’re excited to open it up to all G-Suite calendar users. Clockwise is an intelligent calendar assistant that frees up your time so you can work on what matters. It helps you escape the chaos of work and find your focus. Overall, our feature set helps you and your team get more time for focused work: - Optimize your calendar to free up blocks of uninterrupted time. - Automatically go into Slack do-not-disturb during meetings - Schedule not just at available times, but the best times for attendees. - Sync a personal calendar, privately, and ensure date night isn't double-booked. - Slack sync brings your meeting status to your Slack status - Color code your calendar with one click using our ML identified meeting categories - Analyze your capacity with Clockwise calendar analytics Clockwise is free and available to all G-Suite calendar users today! So give it a try and let us know what you think!
Matt Martin
@justinsaas sorry to hear that! Your color coding should revert to the Google Calendar defaults but sometimes it takes a few minutes to process. Feel free to email us at if you're still seeing this issue and we'll get on it!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@voxmatt so... what's your business model? How is this free, or for how long will it be free? "Yes! Clockwise is entirely free. However, we do plan to charge for it in the future."
Matt Martin
@chrismessina Like Slack, Clockwise plans to remain free for individuals to start, and then sell an enterprise grade product (admin controls, IT compliance, and team coordination functionality) into companies. We're focused on bottoms-up distribution right now, but there's a tremendous amount of value we can give to teams, orgs, and companies as they look to better coordinate time across tools.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@voxmatt The IT compliance piece is worrying... How do you square individual privacy with an organization's desire to spy on its employees? Also, I use my personal Gmail calendar for business. No support for that, huh?
Matt Martin
@chrismessina Unfortunately, no support yet for non-G-Suite (boy, is that a mouth full). It's something we do hope to add in the future, but I can't promise a timeline. As for individual privacy, that's something we really do think deeply about at Clockwise. In this environment, I'm sure words will come across as hollow, so I hope to prove our commitment to individual privacy over time with actions. But I will say two things: (1) we don't touch the privacy settings inside Google calendar — what you and your colleagues set there, we respect and maintain; and (2) individual trust and cooperation is critical to the proper functioning of Clockwise — it's hard for a system to help open up time, if the users don't trust that system enough to feed it with reliable data.
Joshua Pinter
Such a smart idea, but good luck magically moving these meetings when dealing with multiple attendees. Meeting scheduling is still so painful, especially with more than 2 attendees and with people you don't have access to their calendar.
Matt Martin
@joshuapinter this is why we're focused on automatically moving internal meetings to start — if all attendees are internal (you're all on the same GCal domain) we can check availability in real time. In fact, we go one step deeper than just free/busy and check timezones, inferred preferences, and focus time for all attendees. Now, to your point, external meetings are different — we'll get there someday, but for most folks, internal meetings are the majority of their daily meeting workload.
Joshua Pinter
@voxmatt Awesome, man. Best of luck!
Jason Dainter
Personally I have enough of an issue letting humans control my time, the thought of letting an AI do that dot not appeal in the slightest to me. I think if you end up in a position where you need to start using AI to create some order in your otherwise maxed out schedule, you should probably go read the book "Essentialism" and learn to get better at saying no in the first place and treating your time as a more precious asset. I can see the target audience here though (its just not me, but then I'm weird so thats perfectly OK) and good luck with the product! In the mean time I'll be off being busy being unbusy :-)
Matt Martin
@jasondainter Thanks for sharing! We'll check out "Essentialism". "Deep Work" by Cal Newport inspired a lot of the theory behind what we do, in case you're interested in learning more!
Dan Reich
Been using this product for a while. Big fan :)
John Collins

The Slack integration is great


Set up once and forget. It just works in the background


Could be a little more intuitive but couldn't everything

Matt Martin
Hi John, thanks so much for the review!
Christophe Pasquier
If this delivers, it's the #1 product I've expected for the past 2 years, thanks @voxmatt & team!
Christophe Pasquier
@voxmatt big problem for me after 30 min of usage : it prevents people to book me in calendly, all slots are reserved 😅
Matt Martin
@christophepas Hi Christophe - sorry to hear that! Currently if you enable the Focus Time smart hold feature, we will try to protect all of the Focus Time on your calendar, which does make it hard for Calendly to know when you're available. We definitely want to make the amount of Focus Time that we protect customizable in the future! You can turn off the smart holds at any time from the "Smart Holds" section in Settings. Email us at if you have any issues!!
Arpit Choudhury
Looks promising. Loved the onboarding flow so much that I included it in an article I'm working on. Cheers! Update: Here's the post:
Philip Johnson
Very excited there's a team focusing on this! I have a daily / weekly manual ritual I do, but have been looking for a solution for a several years now. Is there a way to define how many hours of meetings per day you want to allow?
Matt Martin
@philipljohnson Hi Philip! There currently isn't a way to define the max number of hours of meetings, but we do let you set a preference for the number of hours of meetings in row. That's great feedback for the future! Let us know if you have any other ideas as you give it a try.
alan jones
90% of my meetings are with people outside my organisation’s domain. I assume it’s not going to do so well with rescheduling external meetings, like, say, a Claralabs would?
Matt Martin
@bigyahu That's correct. Clockwise is currently focused on internal meetings. We will still help you our with Slack status, color coding, personal calendar sync, and analytics. But the meat-and-potatoes of what we do — automatically moving meetings — won't really help users who predominantly meet with external folks. Some day though!
Phil G

Super sweet app. The world needs more focus time.


* Seamless integrations * Sweet on-boarding flow * Highly customizable; Choose aggressive or gentle nudges towards increased focus time


Mobile app!

Jon Wong

i recommend clockwise to almost every one i meet, regardless of whether or not i work with them


simple and sleek integration with your calendar is like having a digital assistant for you and your entire team


there are a few things i'd like to customize, but that's all positive, too!

Lulu Tang
I was part of your private beta and loved it so far! Hype for this release. I saw on your website that Clockwise now syncs your calendar to your Slack status - how do I sign up for that?
Matt Martin
@lubibul Great to hear you're liking the product! To sign up for the Slack sync, you need to have the chrome extension installed. As an existing user, you can connect Clockwise to Slack from Settings, but new users will see an onboarding card when they get started. Check out to learn more about how it works!
Jonathan Levi
This looks insanely cool and promising... but I'll have to come back in a couple of years when it works with iCloud calendar and external folks - in which case, it's literally a game-changer.
Andreas Duess
Would love to know how you're planning to monetize this. You know the saying, if a service is free, YOU are the product. So, before giving this a shot, I'd like to know what, or who, the actual product is.
Matt Martin
@andreasduess Yes, excellent question; I often wonder the same about free products. Just like Slack, Clockwise will always be free for individuals to start and will then sell companies an enterprise grade product (admin controls, IT compliance, and team coordination functionality). Right now, we're focused on the core functionality for individuals but I can promise that we will NEVER sell user data. You can read more about our privacy policies here:
Patrick Wills

I don't think it needs to see all my contacts​


Nice idea


Clockwise has to View users on your domain See and download your contacts

Colin Curtin

Not much more to tell. It does what it days on the tin -- which is very rare.


Clockwise provides little nudges to clean up my calendar and it looks for opportunities to create focus time for me and my team. I love it.


I would love an extension to room booking (we really don't have enough meeting rooms).

Dineshprabu S
Blown away by the demo video. Great work!
Kara Carrell

I've not used it for teams, but I did appreciate blocks of focus time!


Slack integration so my statuses are accurate to what i'm doing


sometimes the auto-generated calendar items were not useful/inaccurate

John Lilly
When I met the Clockwise team, I was immediately taken with their passion for helping us get control of our time, and their new approach to doing it — not by creating a new calendar app, but by using machine learning to make the calendars we already have work better. Clockwise makes a product and supporting technology that actually gives us time back. They’ve been heads down over the past couple of years building their first product — connect it to your own calendar and it figures out how to optimize your days to give you back meaningful chunks of time in whole blocks. It’s amazing to see the results — even in the early beta it’s given literally thousands of hours of Focus Time back to folks at some of the world’s most productive companies like Lyft, Asana, Intercom and others. Go take a look and see if you can get a little more control over your own time.
Abram Dawson
This is great. How does Clockwise know which meetings can move?
Matt Martin
@abramdawson Thanks Abram! Clockwise only moves meetings that 1) you tell us are ok to move, and 2) that are internal to your company. You're in total control over how Clockwise optimizes your calendar.
Abram Dawson
@voxmatt cool, that makes sense...excited about the potential for this to work across organizations as well. Good stuff!