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Platequery - Report drivers or contact them with license plate lookups

Report bad drivers, illegal parking, dangerous driving, or contact them with a license plate lookup. We have millions of license plate records for all states in the US. Every new post will be automatically published on several social media accounts.

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Brandie Boyle
Hi Producthunt community, I want to introduce the new version of our app. In Platequery we want to stop bad drivers from parking illegally in our cities and driving dangerously. We want to provide this tool for the regular citizen to report or contact drivers only using the license plate number. I hope you like the idea and use it to report uncivil behavior and make our cities better living places for families, pedestrians, and bicyclists. Any comments or ideas will be greatly appreciated, cheers!
Steve N.
@stewup right! It will eventually arrive :)
Annabelle Stabler
Thanks you for this product
Steve N.
@annabellestabl2 Thanks! Looking forward to build a big community
Mark Flaherty
It would be great to deal with aggressive drivers with this
Steve N.
@mark_flaherty Thanks! This is one of the main ideas of the service. It's a tool to report bad behavior, but also it can be effective to contact a car owner in case of a break-in for example
Jack K
This sounds like it is ripe for abuse. From the site: "Yes this is a free service. Sending messages, posting reports and subscriptions are free. However claiming ownership and taking control of privacy settings requires a monthly subscription." From this page: "Every new post will be automatically published on several social media accounts." You cannot call the local police precinct and have them tell you who owns a car. It's considered private information.
Steve N.
@new_user_1873203600 Hi Jack, thanks for your comment. Could you explain what do you mean exactly with "calling the local police precinct"? In Platequery we take privacy EXTREMELY serious: users can report anonymously, all reports are moderated and we will NEVER share private information about car owners or users. Claiming ownership of a vehicle is an additional service that allows you to decide what public information do you want to show or not in the website. But again in any case we will share only publicly available information in the website.
Jack K
@purplealien I have on occasion seen a car with windows open and a thunderstorm coming; or illegally parked and affecting me where I just want to get the owner to come take care of it or move it, rather than have them have a soaked car or get a ticket and then call for a tow truck. I have called the local precinct to try to contact the owner. They will not release the information. At most, they have sometimes been willing to look it up and contact them - but not usually. This is not my field, but I am not aware of any publicly accessible information where I can look up the owner of a license plate. Perhaps I misunderstood what your system does. I still think there's a serious risk of abuse. For example, citing a car for any kind of bad behavior when there is none.