
CloudChoice - Cloud Choice is an instant search app for the Cloud Gaming


Cloud Choice is an instant search app, for games catalog offers from every Cloud Gaming Platforms : GeForce Now, Stadia, Boosteroid, Luna, Psnow, Xcloud
The idea : centralize, and facilitate the search for games and the choice of platforms Quickly.

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CloudChoice is a live instant Search for Cloud Gamers. You are tired to see if a game is avaible in a Cloud Gaming platform ? So CloudChoice is your best friend, you can install it from the browser, on PC, Android etc. Just click the install button, this Progressive Web App is a magic life saver. You can see the Rodmap of the App in his Github page description here : https://github.com/mistertest/cl... You like Cloud Choice, it helps you in your daily life. Do not hesitate to leave your opinion and your things here, they are welcome