Hi hunters,
Today we’re releasing Clozebot—a Slackbot designed to keep your team on-top of their contacts, projects and deals.
Getting the information you need about a client or deal should be as easy as asking a question, but it’s usually more like pulling teeth. CRMs aren’t built for a world where, every day, we use apps like Slack, Dropbox, Evernote, OneDrive, and Google Docs to get our real work done. Most CRMs barely support email, and that’s 30 year old technology.
Cloze automatically organizes all of your slack messages and files by the people, companies, projects, and deals that they relate to. You’ll see your complete Slack history together with all your external communications (emails, phone calls, meetings), your notes and files, so you have a single view of *everything* related to any person, company, project, or deal - without the need to log data. It’s all automatic, really -- Even your mobile phone calls are automatically logged.
Have you ever posted on Slack something like “Has anyone talked with…[pick a name]”? Now you simply ask Clozebot and you’ll know exactly who and when without bugging everyone. For example, if you ask "has anyone talked with IncFire Consulting" Clozebot might reply "Alex received a phone call from Dave Varenos at IncFire last Tuesday"
Clozebot keeps track of your agenda, and will even remind you to follow-up with a customer if you are out of touch - automatically. Clozebot is like the personal assistant you wished you had.
Hit the ‘get it’ button to try it out on the web, or look for us in the iOS AppStore or Android Play Store.
We’re here to answer questions, and we’d love to hear your feedback.