Clubhouse Glow
Boost your Clubhouse avatar with a visual glow
Roman Mittermayr

Clubhouse Glow — Boost your Clubhouse avatar with a visual glow

Our iOS app is out (Club Glow)—lots more features incl. background removal. Check it out! This little helper tool (ad-free) will help you attract attention on Clubhouse calls by drawing a glowing circle (a quadratic circle actually) around your avatar photo.
Roman Mittermayr
I noticed a few people trying to gain an edge by modifying their Clubhouse profiles with various color circles around their photos, most failing to correctly trace after the lightly quadratic circular style used in Clubhouse profile images. It may inspire people to build a suite of Clubhouse avatar hacks, or it may destroy itself quickly once people pick up on it and do this frequently. Either way, here's a tool to correctly draw the curve and at least get that part right.
William M. Ballance
Really useful to quickly adjust for the clubhouse shape.
Roman Mittermayr
The free iOS app has finally launched:
Nathan Svirsky
Good idea!
Roman Mittermayr
@nathansvirsky thank you! It started as a bit of a gimmick, to be honest, but it's turning into its own iOS app at the moment and taking off quite a bit, unexpectedly.
Nathan Svirsky
@mittermayr doesn't surprise me! You should expect to see demand grow alongside CH popularity. As it becomes more crowed, users will be looking for new ways to stand out. Also I can already "branded" profiles belonging to people from the same company / group. Could be an idea in there? Either way, good luck man!