Weiting Liu

Codementor Community - Share ideas and learn from fellow developers


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Weiting Liu
Hello everyone! Since our launch in 2014, Codementor (https://www.codementor.io) has grown to become a vibrant marketplace for live 1:1 mentorship in software development. Many developers in our community have found the live 1:1 format to be a one-of-a-kind and rewarding experience. Yet, the nature of this kind of mentorship means only one person benefits from the expert mentor’s knowledge and time. With Codementor Community (https://www.codementor.io/community), we’re expanding what it means to provide mentorship to software developers. It is a learning community where developers can easily share their knowledge with a broader audience, exchange ideas, and learn from each other. We’ve also built a lightweight, developer-friendly, markdown-powered editor (https://www.codementor.io/write) that makes writing enjoyable and distraction-free. Share what you’ve been working on, write a technical tutorial, discuss the latest technologies, and more. We even offer an optional grammar review! This is only a small step in our journey to become a learning community for everyone from senior developers to beginners and everyone in between, and we understand there may still be many important features missing. Let us know if you have any questions or feedback!
Stephen Inoue
I'd still play up the 1:1 format since so much of coding is over coming a specific problem. Going for a community feel where everyone can contribute is a different model. Your nicely curated content is what you've got going for you now. I like that you have different revenue models, ads, the ability to hire free lancers, etc. You may want to leverage other services to grow - let folks create a CodeMentor profile that links their LinkedIn, StackExchange, Quora, and GitHub profiles into a place where folks can vouch for really being qualified to be a mentor. If your model for creating such great coding content works I would keep pushing in that direction. Folks are hungry for real world examples, code and most of all a mentor to help!
Weiting Liu
@riptide360 Thanks Stephen! Check out a good example of a Codementor profile here: https://www.codementor.io/aarong...
Congrats! Very cool community for coders. It seem like Codementor Community is a quite tight nit community. It would be very interesting to see if how many mentees become "mentors" through all the path of mentorship provide via various Codementor channels. What is the perfect loop of engagement you have in mind?
Weiting Liu
@jimiwen Good question! We'd love to encourage more great content that stimulates insightful discussions among the developer community. We think the boundary between mentees and mentors will become more blurred if we can get this right!