Coinbase Prime is a professional trading platform built specifically for institutional investors, owned and operated by one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges to date.
@rrhoover What's the difference between this and GDAX? From the website it seems GDAX is targeted for individuals, Coinbase Prime is retargeted for investment groups?
@robofnc seems like this is definitely geared toward institutions. Super smart positioning as Robinhood seeks to be the cross asset class investment dashboard for younger investors and focus on the individual. CB going enterprise and upmarket feels like a way to have even more visibility into market forces AND make a ton of coin (pun fully intended).
This move doesn't surprise, but doesn't fail to impress. Coinbase never stops.
As larger firms move into crypto trading (which their current trading platforms don't support) and crypto hedgefunds pop up, both will need a turnkey trading platform for their in-house teams.
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