
collabee - Immerse Yourself


We want you to focus on what you find to be the most valuable. A Group chat has fragmented the context and stole your ability to focus, but collabee helps you get the full context on any ongoing projects in a single glance without disrupting your focus. 

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Dyer Nevada

Communication is much quieter, now that you communicate via comment threads. It's not like Slack where there are simply too many messages to read and you're not sure which messages are related to what. Everything is related to each other so it's easier to search for stuffs.


I like how the UI is super intuitive and that I can co-edit documents with my team anytime.


Not that I can think of.


Documentation + task management is what I liked the most. It allows no more jumping around different solutions.


It doesn't give you a hassle with lousy notification which distracts you the most while concentrating on my work.


Haven't found any yet apart from minor bugs which I believe will be fixed.

Thank you, Allan. We hope your team can get things done faster and make things happen with collabee.
Lonnie Nathans
So far, My team have been used a hundred of tool for collaboration. and finally I found collabee! It's brilliant way to talk and share and manage with your team without any distraction from slack-like group chat apps. And Best part I love is issue update feature that make me fully immerse myself to a relevant task. Thank you carlos~!
@lonnienathans Thank you Nathans! Best part you loved is what we want to present at first among fantastic features of collabee service. Our mission is to resolve the hassle and complex distraction issue frequently happens during working hours. I hope collabee service will contribute to your team. Ciao~
Wayne Kathy

collabee is perfect if you are in a team of a small size and want to use a tool that could be used for various purposes. I like using it for lightweight task management, scheduling events, and creating knowledge bases.


- Work can be done in a singple page doc - Threaded communication - Task management


Nothing so far

##Giving you back the lost time Average knowledge worker spends 2 hours for their work out of their 8-hour working day. The rest goes into searching for files, meetings, and chats with collegues. Think of the times when you had to focus and you see constant notifications on your desktop screen. Your coworkers constantly giving you a nudge to ask questions is another thing that could hinder focus. Too much of our time is consumed on these side tasks, although as knowledge workers, we need a more time that sufficient enough to be completely focused to drive optimal results. Now, focus on what really matters with collabee. The issues will lead you to the full context of your work - the project status, requested tasks, important decisions made or to be made, and discussions on how to improve the project as a whole. If you can't leave your current task to check for updates, then simply stay focused and come back to collabee later. ##We made collabee to give you back the time That's the driving force behind all of us here at collabee. We deeply empathized with the simple need for time. The most valuable thing we could do together was to give everyone back the control over their time, both when they are at work and they are not at work. A Group chat has fragmented the context and stole your ability to focus, but collabee helps you get the full context on any ongoing projects in a single glance without disrupting your focus. Finding relevant items takes just a few scrolls, which helps save more time. Start collaborating with collabee and allow your team to invest their time in right designations.
Jessi Boothman

It's an all-in-one tool for collaboration. Mostly document-based but you can also manage tasks and events with it too.


- Much quieter collaboration - Customizable notifications - Realtime editing feature


- Kanban could be slightly improved

allen smith
Before we met collabee, my team had at least 5-7 apps running at the same time. Slack was the main communication tool for internal purposes, Outlook for external communication, Google docs, sheets, and slides, Microsoft Office when we couldn't access the internet, Evernote to log the meeting, and a few other calendar and to-do list apps. It was a hassle trying to get to know how to use all these apps and on top of them managing them to get our work done. 😭 We still use email because, you know, everyone uses email to talk to their clients. Besides that, our work is pretty much all done in the "Issue" page of collabee. It supports realtime editing which I absolutely in love with. This allows our team to work remotely but at the same together. 😃👍♥️
If you are an organization freak like I am, use collabee. It helps you organize your files by its types - links, google drive files, images.... - and keep track of each item. Do you like Kanban to check your work progress? Use collabee too. It's perfect for a team of small size like my company. I think college students could really take advantage of the app too when they are working on a group project too. It's free to use!
Charley Plank

Wholesome collaboration software. Can invite multiple members & external partners.


- customizable notification center - co-editable documents - good for history tracking


none yet