Shimanta Bhuyan

Color Contrast Tool - Tool to check color contrast as per in dev WCAG 3 APCA

Color Contrast Tool analyses text color and background color based on the new, in-development WCAG 3 APCA which relies on human perception of color and gives a lightness contrast value instead of the current mathematical implementation of color contrast ratios

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Shimanta Bhuyan
Hi PH fam! I have been studying on web accessibility for some time, particularly the impact of colors on a website. Going through the internet and researching, checking out tools to find out color contrast led me to an interesting observation that color contrast, although measured as a ratio and guided by WCAG 2.1 requirements, can make our websites better accessibly, the guideline itself is flawed in some aspects. Primarily, it doesn't account for the fact that all humans have a different perception of colors. And since people perceive colors differently, a single yardstick of such mathematically calculated ratios cannot accurately define the actual perceived contrast of the colors in real world ambient conditions and a graphically rich environment. I have created this tool based on the upcoming WCAG 3 APCA (Advanced Perceptual Contrast Algorithm) which sees massive improvements over the current system. Check it out and use it extensively in building your next application!
Shimanta Bhuyan
You can add colors to the url to check the contrast directly as you open! Check the below link:
Shimanta Bhuyan
@pavell2l Thanks, will reach out to you!