@keithbarney I have the titles of each work linked to the art the palette was based on. I didn't want to color the link to distract from the color palette, but I can add an icon to make this more clear.
Hey guys,
Ryan McGuire ( Gratisography fame ) got in touch with me to let me know about his latest project, in short he's created a site with color swatches made from art masterpieces. I think it's a fresh take on color sources, and hey how could you go wrong with colours by Rembrandt?
Here's Ryan's summary of his project:
"Color Lisa is a curated list of color palettes based on masterpieces of the worlds greatest artists. Each palette was painstakingly created by color obsessed designers, artists, museum curators, and masters of color theory. Palettes are constantly being added to help keep your designs colorful and fresh.
Color Lisa was made by Ryan McGuire, an artist, photographer, designer, and lover of color. Fun fact about Ryan: he drives a bright green (HEX #A5C955) and orange (HEX #E9AF42) 1971 VW Beetle he turned into a dinosaur. Questions, guest curator requests, and praise :) can be sent to ryan@colorlisa.com."
What do guys think?