Curated color palettes with search and tags support
Csaba Kissi
Mobile Palette Generator — Generate color palettes with a click of the mouse
A mobile palette generator is a simple yet powerful tool that lets you generate color palettes for your mobile or web app with a click of a mouse.
Dan Siepen
Great work I love this :)
Csaba Kissi
@dansiepen Really appreciated Dan!
Csaba Kissi
A mobile palette generator is a simple yet powerful tool that lets you generate color palettes for your mobile or web app. I've created this tool because I needed something that will help me to generate three color palettes with a click of a mouse. How does it work? 1️⃣ select base color 2️⃣ use sliders below to customize the palette colors 3️⃣ copy the generated colors into the clipboard one by one You can share the palette link with your friends so they can use it as a starting point for their palettes.
Csaba Kissi
@michael_sieb Thanks so much mate! Cheers to Berlin! Keep up the great work guys!
Eugene Hauptmann
@csaba_kissi looks nice, any plans for the css export, as you did in the button css export website?
Csaba Kissi
@eugenehp Do you mean for the individual generated palette?
Csaba Kissi
@fajarsiddiq Thanks so much Fajar!
Csaba Kissi
@draptis Appreciated Jim! Good luck with your projects!
Younghwi Cho
I love it! Can you add a random suggestion feature? Like a shuffle button?
Csaba Kissi
@andrew_cho It's quite a good idea. I will think about something like predefined palettes as a starting point.
Frank Go
Very nice. Big problem solver.
Csaba Kissi
@frank_go Thanks Frank!
Maximilian Fleitmann
Great work as always!
Csaba Kissi
@maximilian_fleitmann Thanks Max! Appreciated!
Limited Timing
Great tool and resources! Thank you for sharing! Congrats on launching!
Csaba Kissi
@gcucci Thanks for the kind words, Vitalie!
Gaurang Shah
Great work! guys - this looks awesome and super useful.
Csaba Kissi
@gshah2020 Thanks so much Gaurang!
Ralph J. Smit
Amazing tool Csaba! Will certainly use this often. 💪
Csaba Kissi
@ralphjsmit Thanks Ralph! Good to see you here!
Rahul R S
Nice work, Great product
Csaba Kissi
@rahul_r_s Thanks Rahul!
Porush Puri 🇮🇳
Awesome! Congratulations on the launch Csaba!! This is really super helpful.
Csaba Kissi
@porush_puri Thank you Porush! Appreciated!
Carlo Thissen
Looks beautiful!
Csaba Kissi
@carlo_thissen Thanks so much Carlo!
Michael Andreuzza
Go Csbaa go!! keep rocking with your projects, huge fan of your tools!
Csaba Kissi
@michael_andreuzza Thanks so much mate! Good luck with
Great product, love the UI
Csaba Kissi
@inovatik Good to hear this from a theme developer Lucian! Thanks!
Adam Żaczek
Works like a charm. Congratulations Csaba!
Csaba Kissi
@adam_zaczek Thanks Adam!
Ivanna Wendel
This is really useful tool! Thanks for sharing, Csaba!
Csaba Kissi
@ivanna_wendel Thank you Ivanna!
Hi, there! Great and useful idea for many users..but ux is awful
Zoltán Szőgyényi
Wow... really well done! I've bookmarked this one. Congrats, Csaba!
Csaba Kissi
@zolidev Thanks so much Zoli and good luck to Themesberg!
Andras Bacsai
Simple 👏 super 👏 awesome 👏! Great Work @csaba_kissi! 💪
Csaba Kissi
@andrasbacsai Wow! Thanks so much mate! Appreciated!
Cica-Laure Mbappé
Looks so easy to use! Congrats 👏
Bogomil Shopov - Бого
I usually am very bad with color combinations, this one seems like a good app to solve my problems. I also like the material palets ready for use. Thanks!
Csaba Kissi
@bogomep Thanks Bogomil. I'm glad you found it useful!