Ananda Aisola

Interactive ETF Database by Composer - Investing research & automation made easy

Get access to information on popular ETFs, including performance data, top holdings, correlated ETFs, and pre-built automated trading strategies. Backtest, build, and share your strategies in record time.

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Ananda Aisola
Hey everyone! Today, my team and I are thrilled to launch our Composer branded ETF Database! We want to make it easier for folks to search the most popular ETFs, get performance data, learn about top holdings, uncover correlated and uncorrelated ETFs, and ultimately discover related automated algorithmic trading strategies. The promise of this database is to unlock new ways for investors to screen, compare, and analyze investment opportunities. - Beautiful and intuitive search engine to help you quickly filter and find investment opportunities that meet your criteria - Screen for ETFs using filters such as ETF compositions (Bond, Commodity, Currency, Equity, etc.) and leveraged/inverse. - Identify opportunities based on predefined strategies or easily create one of your own. Compare ETFs side by side (Correlated, Uncorrelated, Inversely-correlated) Why did we build this? We see this database as a natural extension of our core offering, Automated Trading. At Composer, we want to arm our community with the tools they need to build sophisticated investing strategies. We believe investment research is a huge component of that. By utilizing this database, investors gain more knowledge about the ETFs they are investing in as well as a more complete picture of the ETF’s historical performance. A very special thank you to our incredible team for making this possible. Composer was founded with the goal of building a fun investing platform that bridges the gap between creativity and sophistication. We’re thrilled to expand on that goal by providing not only a new way to invest but also a powerful search engine optimized for retail investors.
Mike Wenner
FINALLY!!!! What an amazing addition. Thanks for adding this feature.
Tarlon Khoubyari
This is awesome!! congrats on the launch
Saahith Pochiraju
Looks awesome! Love a great ETF discovery feature
Been looking forward to this!
Jay Gao
Very cool and nice to have neatly in one place
Hadia Khawar
It sounds like an amazing product with lots of great features. I'm sure it will become a great asset to many organisations. Best of luck @ananda_aisola