Razvan Gabriel

ConnSuite 1.0 - All your social accounts in one single place

ConnSuite is an online platform that provides an upgrade to the classic business card! Link all your social media profiles and showcase articles about you and your work, everything under one single username! Become a ConnSuite star right now!

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Razvan Gabriel
Hello Hunters! Razvan(19) here, Founder of ConnSuite! I am really proud to have my work from the past months live on to the web! And especially here for you! First of all, let me tell you a few things about what this startup is all about šŸš€! ConnSuite is an online approach to the classic Business Card! Create an account, link to all the contact-methods,networks and profiles you already have and showcase articles and external resources about yourself and your work, for everyone to have a look at and give them the opportunity to reach out to you. Win them over, more than you could with a classic business card! A few of the main features: āž” Link to all your other Accounts and Social media Profiles (Twitter, Github, Slack, PH etc.) šŸ”„ Link to or create Articles about your Work and your Achievements šŸ¤ Share and request Business Cards through the app šŸ–Œ Transfer all your paper cards Online and have Access to them 24/7 šŸ“² Have all the Important Data about you and your Networks in One single place šŸš€ Upgrade your Business Identity Would definitely love ā¤ļø to hear some feedback from you and brainstorm some more ideas to work on in order to improve ConnSuite and deliver the awesome tool you need! P.S. All my contact data and more on connsuite.com/razgraf
Razvan Gabriel
@antonio_bologna Thank you for the support! I'm here to answer any questions you might have about ConnSuite :>
Razvan Gabriel
@adithya Thank you for your support !! It means a lot! I do think you have a great point with the business card widget! I'll place it on my to-do list and try to implement it ASAP. I also have planned to maybe introduce a business-card scanner so you can save your paper business cards more easily into the app (now you can only do it by hand). Also I'll definitely implement some kind of a CRM in the near future to have a better grasp on the statistics of your profile in order to take advantage of the important features that might help you in your business ventures!
Elias Arosemena

Will recommend to my peers. With more work it could develop into a great networking tool.


Useful tool. All my social contacts in one place to easily share.


Would need to test it more.

Catalin Bahrin

I love the design of the app


Very useful and practical. It helps me a lot and I sincerely recommend it to all the people out there.šŸ˜ƒ


Could be further tested

Sam Bauch
nice work Razvan! I particularly like the granular public / private aspect, where I can have a public profile but make things like my phone number private. Any thoughts on making these exportable as VCF files that could be imported to other contact apps? As it stands I wouldn't have access to my Business Book if I am offline
Razvan Gabriel
@sammybauch Thank you for the feedback! Hmm did not think about the VCF possibility up until now, but as you say, it might help to import data from or TO connsuite in order to have a more complete business-card experience! Will think about it for V2!
Edward Vasquez
nice work ^^
Edward Vasquez
@razgraf sry but you have now an error: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'User' not found in /home/connsuit/public_html/index.php:16 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /home/connsuit/public_html/index.php on line 16
Razvan Gabriel
@edwardvasquezdr Sorry for the issue! Had it fixed right away! Thanks a lot for the heads up!
Max Pham
Great job - this is an excellent idea!
Razvan Gabriel
@maxpham Thanks for the support! Hope you are enjoying it!
Elias Arosemena
Congrats Razvan! Great tool! Very useful. Already using it and will definately recommend.
Razvan Gabriel
@elias_arosemena Thank you a lot for your support Elias!šŸ¤˜
Mukesh Yadav
Great job done!! Congrats man! Keep improving. ;-)
Paul Razvan Berg
Dude, you suited my future connections. Thanks!
Razvan Gabriel
@paulrberg Haha glad I was able to! Hope ConnSuite will bring you a lot of business conversions.
Razvan Gabriel
Update @ConnSuite 2021 šŸ”® During 2020, I've release a new version of the app with a fresh UI and a full rewrite of the system. This version focuses on supporting only the basic functionality: building an awesome business profile for yourself with 2 of the classic components of ConnSuite: networks (social links) and articles (portfolio items, stories and ideas). The new app will also allow you to view metrics around the popularity of your profile and which component will attract the most visitors (most clicked social media profile, activity around articles or the business card/profile itself). I'd be happy to hear if anyone will be using this in their personal or professional activity and if there's anything you'd like to see in a future official ConnSuite 2.0. don't hesitate to share! Thanks for trying this products and happy new year everyone!