Kim Doyal

Content Snare - Collect content and information from clients

Content Snare helps businesses gather content, info and documents from their clients. It ensures content is in the right format, in one place and does all the following up automatically.

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David Lux
This one is a great and well executed idea. I love the simple onboarding design. Do you plan on adding multi-language support for agencies that have international clients? If you need help localizing the app into German, let me know! :) It would also be nice to see a preview of the request before it is published & sent. Anyways, congrats on a great product! 🎉 PS: After clicking through the app a bit I noticed that it lags sometimes (I'm running on Chrome 64-bit Version 60.0.3112.90) hope that helps.
James Rose
@itsdavelux Thanks so much for that feedback David. It means a LOT because we've been trying pretty hard to make it easy to get started - it was a friction point at the start. Internationalisation is definitely on our list. We've already got some people writing their own email templates in other languages - but some parts of the UI are still English. Great idea on the preview. You can kind of achieve that by setting the client to 'internal', checking it out yourself and then changing to external, but I get that's hacky. We're working hard on speeding functions up - there's a couple of things that slow it down at the moment that we're aware of. Thanks for the heads up
Dmitry Kornyukhov
I second @itsdavelux! Perfectly executed idea , congrats on he hunt @_jimmyrose! I think it really hits a nail on the head and will make chasing clients a lot easier for lots and lots of web-developers out there. Really loved the design and simplicity too. 👍 P.S.: I think internationalization could be a really good idea as this is something that can bring a ton of value to web-designers from all other the world with international customers. If you decide to give it a go, shoot me a message and I'll be happy to help you with Russian or other languages 🙂
James Rose
@itsdavelux @dkornyukhov Thanks Dmitry! On all counts
Cara Szellemes (nee McCullough)
Congrats on executing a great idea that solves a huuuuge problem for web devs. Looking forward to seeing how this develops.
James Rose
@casmccullough thanks Cas. Same goes for Writally
Ross Currie
I was talking to a friend recently about one of these "Make Money with Web Design" groups on Facebook and how it started out well, but then the guy who created it is now trying to monetise the group by selling an ecourse to all the noobs there. "Why doesn't he just give the info away for free, and create a product that services the community?", I asked. "Oh, you should check out this OTHER group that @_jimmyrose runs", she replied, "Not only are the people in there generally pretty savvy, but he's actually just launched this app called Content Snare that helps web designers get content from their customers" Great job James! This solves a problem that dates back to when I launched my first web dev company in highschool (circa 1999). It's SO hard to get content from customers sometimes!
James Rose
@rossdcurrie *scurries away to create ecourse* But seriously... wow, that is cool Ross. LOVE hearing stuff like that.
James Rose
Thanks for the hunt Kim! Any questions/comments/love or hatemail hit me in the comments :D
Branden Tolle
@_jimmyrose on a scale from one to now. how quickly will you make the absolute essential integration of beaver builder. pleaseeee
James Rose
@branden_tolle haha! It's definitely on the list, along with approximately 1,000,000 other feature requests and fixes. Seriously though, at the current rate it's probably a year away. But we'll ramp up development as more people take up the product
Jesse Ryles
Love the idea behind this, could be cool to have an extension into CMS platforms that sync's the content straight into the website when ready.
James Rose
@jesse_ryles Thanks Jesse! Absolutely - that's definitely on our roadmap
Lee Fuhr
@jesse_ryles @_jimmyrose Into Webflow please… relatedly, Zapier integration (two-way) would be amazing. Webflow has robust Zapier support so you might get a two-fer.
Steven O'Sullivan
Brilliant idea!
James Rose
@steveosullivan thanks man :)
Alex Bauer
Woah. I kinda want to go back to freelancing just so I can use this...😳
Douglas Lim
This solves such a massive problem!
Alan Houser
I'll start a trial, but the pricing is a little confusing "5 active requests" = what's a request?
James Rose
@pixelmelter Check out the FAQ section right below the pricing :) We need to add a little 'i' icon in the pricing table I think
Sam Rye
@pixelmelter @_jimmyrose just read the FAQ but I'm none the wiser. Is it 1 request per client / section / paragraph? Something else?
James Rose
@pixelmelter @samrye_enspiral Inside the app it might be more obvious. It's a grouping of content fields that you send to the client. It might be made up of tabs, sections and fields. Content fields are inside sections Sections are inside tabs Tabs are inside requests Requests are inside projects (optionally) Projects belong to a client Example for a website: Field - Main heading, hero image, call to action Section - Hero header area Tab - Homepage Request - Bob's Website Project - Hope that makes a bit more sense. With text it's a bit hard
Lee Rickler
Looks nice. We have a pretty robust, but simple, system in place already but, if the client is slow delivering, you could visit them with a baseball bat and still get nowhere. Wishing you luck with it.
James Rose
@pointandstare That's great to hear you have a system in place that's working. Agree - we'll never be able to fix every client but eventually I'd like to dive into the world of gamification and psychology to see if we can.... make things go faster. That said we've had a few people come back and say that CS helped some long-stagnant projects get moving again
Mark Phillips

Content Snare is a great tool for gathering content from clients with as little resistance possible. The clients I recommended it to thought it was great fun to use and got them involved.


User friendly software, great support



Ronen Frieman
Great Product! love it
James Rose
@ronen_frieman woohoo thanks Ronen :D
Saul Fleischman
Great Hunt, guys, and a big thank-you to Sampath, for putting me onto this!
James Rose
@osakasaul Thanks Saul. Sampath is just an all round legend, isn't he?
Amrit Aacharya
1. Just a week back my Web Dev and the Content Writer (who manages the copy of the webiste) were arguing over sending Content on time. So, This is a relevant problem that you guys are solving for both agencies and freelancers. 2. UI and workflow is super intuite and simple. While trying to create a Client, the SAVE and CANCEL button is at the top right corner. From a UX perspective, if this can be brought on same level as client details , would be better. This is great stuff @_jimmyrose 3. What kind of integrations do you have?
James Rose
@amrit_aacharya1 thanks Amrit. Right now there's no integration. It's only recently been launched and we're working hard on stuff like that
Stephen Campbell
Tis awesome. I'll admit it. And I'm about 79% sure I'm going to buy. BUT. I am getting a little tired of the "14-day" trial period, which we all know is extendable. What's next, a 7-day, 3-day, 1-day... when does that freemium structure end? It's beginning to sicken me... Just give it to me like the good ole days. 1st month free. Please and Thx.
James Rose
@stephenalan that's a pretty exact sureness haha. Honestly it's only there for a lack of a better idea. We may make it longer one day, but there's some other options we're considering as well
Delixyr [dmk]

An idea that was always there hidden.. brought to a reality.. making a process that was in chaotic more organised. Contentsnare have simply just solved one of the biggest hurdles any web designer would face. Back then you see all the content gathered from the client and then imagine the website. Now you can first imagine the website along with the client and then get Contentsnare to build the basic template and gather the content accordingly.. edit remove and add till you and your client would reach a common ground.. and then build it.. A more streamlined process for a better design workflow.


Content templates with no limits except your imagination and creativity. Functional followup system. Great support.


Takes a while to warm up to it. But worth the time spent.

Delixyr [dmk]
Contentsnare have simply just solved one of the biggest hurdles any web designer would face. Back then you see all the content gathered from the client and then imagine the website. Now you can first imagine the website along with the client and then get Contentsnare to build the basic template and gather the content accordingly.. edit remove and add till you and your client would reach a common ground.. and then build it.. A more streamlined process for a better design workflow. Thanks @_jimmyrose
Pep Ruckpanich
Contentsnare has been a game changer for us as a finance company. Highly recommend looking into their service if you collect a lot of documents from your clients and have difficulties following up or streamlining the process.
James Rose
@pepruckpanich Thanks Pep, very glad it's working so well for you