Content Snare - Collect content and information from clients
Content Snare helps businesses gather content, info and documents from their clients. It ensures content is in the right format, in one place and does all the following up automatically.
Content Snare helps businesses gather content, info and documents from their clients. It ensures content is in the right format, in one place and does all the following up automatically.
Content Snare
Content Snare
Unido Enterprise Platform
Content Snare
Brutal Teardowns
Content Snare
Content Snare
Content Snare
Content Snare
Content Snare
Content Snare
Content Snare
Content Snare
Content Snare
Content Snare is a great tool for gathering content from clients with as little resistance possible. The clients I recommended it to thought it was great fun to use and got them involved.
Pros:User friendly software, great support
Content Snare
Auto-Hashtag API
Content Snare
Content Snare
Content Snare
An idea that was always there hidden.. brought to a reality.. making a process that was in chaotic more organised. Contentsnare have simply just solved one of the biggest hurdles any web designer would face. Back then you see all the content gathered from the client and then imagine the website. Now you can first imagine the website along with the client and then get Contentsnare to build the basic template and gather the content accordingly.. edit remove and add till you and your client would reach a common ground.. and then build it.. A more streamlined process for a better design workflow.
Pros:Content templates with no limits except your imagination and creativity. Functional followup system. Great support.
Cons:Takes a while to warm up to it. But worth the time spent.
Content Snare