Vladimir Leytus

Texted.io - Send text blasts to groups, receive individual replies

Texted.io is the easiest way to send SMS messages to groups, and manage replies individually.

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Looks lovely, but who even does text messaging these days? The same can be done on WhatsApp.
Andrew Haller
@arunsathiya thanks for the feedback! Texted is optimized for large group outreach, and using SMS means none of your recipients needs an app to engage. The mechanism is fundamentally different from group messaging, as only you as the sender can see who is in the group, and text replies come only to you. This works best when you want to avoid everyone getting pinged each time someone comments. Hope this helps clarify!
Joshua Dance
@arunsathiya Lots of people don't use WhatsApp. Many don't have a smartphone.
Andrew Haller
@arunsathiya yep the broadcast feature is the same mechanism, just within the WhatsApp platform. It is generally for smaller lists, as each recipient must have you in their address book.
Joshua Dance
@arunsathiya http://www.pewinternet.org/fact-... - in the US a majority have smartphones. https://qz.com/179897/more-peopl... - 6.8 billion cell phones. 1 billion users of WhatsApp. 6.8 billion users of SMS. So still valuable. If you want to use WhatsApp, go for it! 👍
Andrew Haller
Howdy hunters! We are excited to share Texted.io, a simple way to send an SMS message to a list of contacts at once, and manage their replies individually. It’s sort of like ‘bcc’ for texting – as opposed to group messaging where everyone sees all contacts and replies, Texted sends individual texts from your account to each contact. If someone replies to their text, you see it in your Texted thread and can respond directly via text. Pricing is simple: add credit and pay 2 cents per message, with no other fees. We hope this lightweight tool will be useful in a variety of settings, from informing customers of special offers, to coordinating participants during an event, to directing team members on a project, to asking your friends for their current addresses. We’d love to hear feedback on how we can make Texted better - you can set up an account today to receive 50 free messages. Check it out and please let us know what you think! Many thanks, Andrew & team AirDev
Brent Summers
Super cool, nice work Vlad + Andrew!
Andrew Haller
Thanks @brentsum, appreciate the support!
James G
Sounds great I would use it alot if you could automate the name part; i.e it automatically personalise's a section of the email, (changes the name, peter, tony, tom etc) for each message? possible?
Andrew Haller
@ormous Thanks for the feedback. We actually have this feature! If you include #FIRST# or #LAST# in your message to a group, it will replace that string with each recipient's name in their text message. This makes the conversation more personal from the start. We also have the ability for contacts to opt into a particular group via text -- you just create a unique code for the group, and anyone who texts that code to the Texted number will be added automatically. Hope this helps!
Krishna De
Is this only available for the US?
Andrew Haller
@krishnade Yes, at this point Texted only works with US phone numbers, but we are looking to expand. If you click to sign up, you can click "Outside the US?" to let us know what country you'd like us to expand to, and we'll follow up. Thanks!
Val Haller

Love this tool! Only bummer is it wasn't invented years ago..


LOVE that recipients aren't bothered by other recipients' replies


It's great - don't change anything