Chris Messina

Contora - Better trades with real-time data from unusual sources

Top Hunter

Make smarter trades by getting real-time alerts from Contora that are triggered by data from unusual sources — such as Reddit mentions, recent company jobs postings and firings, viral posts on social media, and much more.

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Vlad Ilnitskiy
Hello Hunters! 👋 Today we are pleased to publicly announce our product - - data platform for ordinary traders. What problem are we solving? If you've ever traded, you know how difficult it’s to select the right companies to invest in. Some of them are growing, others are going down, some are cheap, others are quite expensive - everything looks like a complete chaos 😄 We want to make this process more simple, rational and logical. We monitor indirect metrics of companies that can affect their stock price - website’s traffic, number of employees, hiring/firing dynamics, number of mentions on Reddit and Twitter, and much more. Just imagine that you receive such a signal to your email/Telegram - “Nike (NKE) website's traffic has dropped 28% over the past month”, “Alphabet (GOOG) fired 1025 (3%) employees”, “Zoom (ZM) opened 40 new technical security job positions”. This is what our product does. In addition, we aggregate all data in a historical perspective, so you can even see the trends, f.e. (kindly don't scold us for the UI, soon the charts will become as wonderful as cherry blossoms :)) If you choose up to 5 companies to monitor, the product is completely free. Tracking of 5-50 companies will cost you just $9 per month. You can use the promo code “2themoon” and get 2 months for free 🤟🏻 We will appreciate your comments and feedback!
Levi Gleb Raskin
@ilnitskiy interesting! We do the same with alternative data but transform it into ready stock picks based on this data and give possibilities to invest directly in our app.
Vitalii Litvinov
Magnificent job, I hope you will maintain and develop this project further.
Vlad Ilnitskiy
@vitalii_litvinov thanks for your kind words! I see that you have signed up to monitor 30 companies - I hope the signals will be useful to you!
Vitalii Litvinov
@ilnitskiy Just received a summary, it looks interesting, especially employees growth and job openings stats. Will keep an eye on your metrics. Thanks for your efforts!
Nazim @Koinju
Looks nice and strong, Do you have crypto market data ? Just for a friend :-)
Vlad Ilnitskiy
@nazim_m Hi Nazim, thanks for the positive feedback! Unfortunately, cryptocurrencies don't have enough signals to monitor, except only the hype around them and the number of discussions in the media. We'll consider adding a couple! Stay tuned 🤟🏻
Aleksandr Sobolev
Great job! This is such an interesting area. I started to dive into trading even before the GME wave, and I also came to the conclusion that if we focus only on standard signals (quarterly reports and crowd sentiment), then this is a zero-sum game. Your product solves this problem perfectly and provides a new range of information for making a decision to buy/sell/hold a position. Thank you for your efforts and look forward to see the further development and new features!
Vlad Ilnitskiy
@new_user_61f145f5a9 appreciate your feedback! Yes, we strive to provide the full range of signals about the behavior of companies all over the Internet on our platform. This will add more rationality to your trading. We really hope the product will be useful to you!
Maria Grineva
I think this has a great potential. Contora is really the first platform where users can track various company's activity on the Web all together in one place. Company's social media and AppStore activity and ranking are good indicators of the company's health. Do you have any plans to make similar thing for private companies? Thanks!
Vlad Ilnitskiy
@maria_grineva Hi, thanks for your feedback! Yes, we are actually thinking about expanding b2b direction and adding tracking of private companies' metrics as well. Firstly, it will still be useful for traders to track PRE-IPO companies, and secondly, it can be useful for venture capital companies to track their portfolio as well
Kostya Furman
Hi, I remember your Reddit posts about alternative data a couple of months ago. I'm admired that you turned this into a product so quickly, keep it up!
Vlad Ilnitskiy
@furmanko thanks a lot! 😊
Vadym Hevlich
Good job, guys. Especially like the idea to represent the side company data and the ways of data delivery - it seems to be really perspective. No seen such tools by far, good luck!
Vlad Ilnitskiy
@vhevlich thank you for your kind words! Hope you will find our metrics useful :)
Glen Creaser
Sentiment analysis is becoming more and more important! Great work and great source choices.
Vlad Ilnitskiy
@glen_creaser absolutely agree. And data is the new oil, I suppose
Interesting idea. Have you used any (scientific) research in making this that showed all / some / any of these factors have effect on securities prices? - It seems obvious that it does (recent Reddit example), but it would be interesting to see real statistical proof
Vlad Ilnitskiy
@vasgo Hi, thanks for the question! We are currently in the process of developing a stock price forecasting model based on our metrics. Our historical data is accumulating day by day, and we can already see interesting insights and correlations, f.e. how such metrics as website’s traffic or the number of discussions on twitter affect the stock price. In the nearest we will put it into a report and demonstrate it from the point of view of statistical dependence. Let me also answer your question from another side - as we all know, alternative data is actively used by hedge funds to predict the stock price and increase the alpha. If they use this data, and the market volume is already measured in billions of dollars (, then there is definitely a correlation.
@ilnitskiy thanks for the rapid feedback. Hedge Funds do use it, but given its all 'proprietary' algo, we never know which ones are doing it for real, and which ones - just using it as marketing angle. So I am very keen to see good research piece on the topic that is publically available. Good luck with the project!
Benoit Chambon
2nd product of the day! Congrats! You're (almost) the best ;)
Vlad Ilnitskiy
@benoit_chambon Thanks for the support!
Bohdan Ivanov
Wow! Seems like a cure for a headache - I used to try to track these metrics manually. I'm going to check what you have done ✅
Vlad Ilnitskiy
@bohdan_ivanov happy to hear!
Dima Eremin
Great idea! Congrats on launch
Vlad Ilnitskiy
@dmitry_eryomin thanks Dmitry!
Max Chichkan
Great job! Useful tool for me, keep growing
Ivanna Wendel
Interesting product! Congrats on the launch!
Lisa Kt
awesome, I guess this product will live up all my expectations!
Vlad Ilnitskiy
@lisa_kt thanks Lisa, hope you'll be satisfied with our signals!
Kostya Ostapenko
Very cool product !! I hope the project will develop further !!!!
Bodka Fatman
Where do you collect the website’s traffic? Websites don't seem to give you this data by themselves, or have you found some way to monitor it?
Vlad Ilnitskiy
@bod_fatman We collect this data from various sources and analyze a number of indicators - backlinks, the popularity of search requests in search engines, etc. in the output we get a balanced indicator of website’s traffic.
Дар'я Осіпова
VERY NICE examples used! Good job!
Алексей Агафонкин
Very interesting. Loved the examples used.
Анастасия Кучмар
Wow! You`ve done a great job! Congratulations on the launch!