Li Jin

State of Independence 2021 - A breakdown on all things independent work

Contra, along with Li Jin, presents The State of Independence Report. We surveyed over 10,000 independent workers in design, engineering, product, writing, content marketing & social media on the what, how, and why of their work.
Read the full report here!

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Li Jin
Hi everyone! I'm super excited to present The State of Independence Report 2021, in concert with Contra, a new professional network that gives workers the tools they need for a flexible career. Anyone who has ever met me can probably tell that I'm obsessed with how the future of work will look more independent and creative than the corporate 9-5s of yesteryear. Workers are increasingly choosing projects that they personally feel values-aligned with, taking charge of their own education/upskilling, and choosing freelance not for the money but for the autonomy and freedom. This report quantifies those trends; we surveyed over 10,000 independents who work in digital product-related industries. The report reflects the incredible shift we are seeing in the current workforce. Hope you enjoy it! -Li
Uladzimir Yankovich
@ljin18 Congratulations on the launch. The project was lucky with an investor and a hunter :)
Mark Dusseau
@ljin18 Love the report 🔥🔥 ! From the insights to the data viz 🤤 Thank you for sharing!
Kyle Pennell
@ljin18 I downloaded this report and was sorely disappointed with it. These guys are just trying to grow their email list with some very obvious survey results. There's nothing in here that any freelancer wouldn't already know, even a beginner. For example, most valuable social media tools include all of the obvious ones that would come up in a quick google search. Top skills being monetized by engineers include React and JavaScript. But kudos to you guys for getting this upvoted on PH and getting a bunch of emails. Next time try to capture or share something that is actually helpful or not totally obvious.
Kyle Pennell
@ljin18 Most of the people commenting and being upvoted in this thread work for Contra. I'm sure they organized a big upvoting session via Slack.
@ljin18 I would love to see the Contra take over all the major freelancing platforms who kind a have monopoly in the market, it's good to see that you guys actually decided to a platform like Contra to help the community, Congratulations I wish you so many more victories in the future. Lots of Love
Gajus Kuizinas
The future of work is changing! Work is no longer bound to an office and 9-5 hours. People are taking charge of their own education and focusing their energy on projects that they are personally passionate about. Contra is the new professional network that allows anyone to work for themselves. We provide the tools and infrastructure needed to build your career around the life you want, with zero commission fees; our mission is to enable everyone love what you do & do what you love. 🤗 This survey is a summary of how independents are finding work, getting paid, and everything in between. Learn how to work independently, the benefits, and tools used by independents around the world today. 🚀
Allison Nulty
@kuizinas Couldn't have said it better. Flexibility is the key of the future - excited for what's next!
Artem Matviienko
Recent events with Covid-19 only speed up the process of changing the future of work. You probably know that creatives no longer want to sit in the office 9 to 5. They search for remote, independent, and high-quality opportunities. Check out this report if you are curious how other independents work today and find out about the most popular skills and tools they use!
Allison Nulty
@aamatviienko Couldn't agree more! The COVID pandemic simply shed light on a trend that was quickly building. This report summarizes those findings so well!
Ben Huffman
Its so exciting to launch the first annual State of Independence with @ljin18 and the entire Contra team. The world has changed and the future of work is flexible. If you have ever thought about going independent, becoming a business of one, or freelancing, this report will give you a good idea of what it takes and how others are doing it.
Allison Nulty
@ljin18 @ben_huffman Fortunate to work alongside you in building this incredible community and product. Best is yet to come 🙌🏼
Contra has the best landing page of 2021.
Allison Nulty
@abirxhossain - Glad you think so, our design team reallly crushed 🤩😍
Julio Gudiño
Ken Moo
Congrats to the ?makers Contra team, a lot of effort must have went into building this report. I love the visuals and the design. Congrats!
Allison Nulty
@ken_moo Thanks, Ken! We are so excited about the way the data and visuals came together to tell the story of independent work!
Oguz Gelal
What a beautiful experience on the report!
Madi Pignetti
@oguz_gelal1 Thank you! The designers and engineers are beyond talented! 🔥
Allison Nulty
@oguz_gelal1 Thank you! We are so proud of the combination of insights & visuals!
Madi Pignetti
The future of work is here, and it is revolutionary ✨ Independent workers are making more and working less, and most importantly -- making work they love 💛 I was so inspired reading this report, and in addition to all of the useful data, it was so fun to interact with! It has been an absolute dream working at Contra on this team of fellow independents & visionaries! The best is yet to come 🚀
Allison Nulty
@madi_pignetti Revolutionary indeed 🤩
Janjira Sun
@madi_pignetti It's been such a fun ride working alongside you, can't wait to see what we collaborate on next! 🚀
Steven Hess
The idea of work life balance is a myth. A concept created to give work and life equal prominence. But this is not true. Work is a subset of life, a hugely important one but a subset nevertheless. No one is going to be CEO of your life other than you. How much you invest of your life resources into work is a decision you make in order to achieve the goals you set. Everyone is an entrepreneur now, but maybe not everyone knows this yet. Celebrating this shift supports myth busting.
Allison Nulty
@1_steven_hess "Work is a subset of life" 💯 . Well-said -- the transition to autonomous & flexible work that let's us live the life we want is amazing. Appreciate the support!
Ivanna Wendel
Your visuals are awesome! Like always! Great job!🚀
Allison Nulty
Jake Pimental
Cheers to the contra team! Who makes that music? its dope!!
Samantha Taylor
@pimentaljake Thank you so much for the love! The music is from the one and only @ben_huffman 🚀
Kulshekhar Kabra
Our work no longer needs to be 'just a source of income'. It can be something that we enjoy doing and something that improves the quality of our day to day lives in the same way that hobbies do while still addressing our financial requirements. We now know, for a lot of jobs, it is possible to do this. In fact, a lot of people around the world are already doing it this way and have been doing it for a while. Remote work is one important aspect of the new way of working but that's not the whole thing. For this to be sustainable, you need a platform that removes the friction from working remotely so that you can spend more time on what you want to do rather than what you need to do. The State of Independence report, based on a survey of 10,000+ independents, includes a lot data and information that is driving us to build the platform, tools and community to help independents and companies around the world thrive in this new era.
Allison Nulty
@kulshekhar So proud to work alongside talented folks like yourself that treat work like a passion project everyday. You rock!
Henry Ollarves
Hard work & dedication. Couldn't be more proud of what we are doing at Contra. Our tech is superb and our team even more. But there's more! We are not solely looking to have a great platform that can actually help people all around the world find flexible and remote work, we want to inform and educate people (and especially companies) about what the independent community actually looks like. The state of independence is the product of incredible amounts of hard work, dedication, and passion. Just like everything we do at Contra.
Allison Nulty
@ollarvesh Your dedicated & positive attitude never cease to amaze!
Samantha Taylor
The future of work is clear: it is flexible and people have agency over their day-to-day. People are tired of sacrificing their lifestyle for work -- which is why working independently and having a flexible career is the now and the future. 🚀 I am so proud of all the work the Contra team put into this report. When someone doubts the power of working as an independent, this is what I'll send their way.
Shiloh Johnson
@samtaylorr15 Really cool report - can't wait to dive in! Just a heads up, the guides on Contra's showcase page all lead to Google 🙂
Samantha Taylor
@shilohjohnson We are on it! Thank you so much for pointing this out 👀
Allison Nulty
@samtaylorr15 I am so grateful to work alongside such a positive & driven spirit like yourself!
Janjira Sun
@samtaylorr15 Such a dream to work together with you! 🤝
I love indie industry. Thanks for sharing this.
Allison Nulty
@oyeakhil We are so thrilled to share these insights with the independent community! 🤝
Allison Nulty
"It's a lifestyle. Independents are increasingly beginning to focus their energy on projects that they personally stand by." We are no longer willing to sacrifice our values & interests to mold into a corporate matrix. I am so proud to be a part of the Contra team, paving the way for a future that enables independents to live & work in a way that optimizes their talents and aligns to their values & lifestyle. The first annual State of Independence may be the first of its kind but represents a trend that has been many years in the making. Humans are community-driven, autonomous, and value-centered individuals and our professional lifestyle should be built to match! And check out that dataset + visuals 👀😍🤓! Our mission at Contra is to provide the tools & community you need to build the professional lifestyle you want. The best is yet to come! 🚀
Samantha Taylor
@allison_nulty Extremely happy to have a PM like you!!!
Rahul Nair
This looks amazing. Definitely will read this! Congrats on your launch.
Janjira Sun
@rahul_nair93 Thanks so much Rahul! 💛
Allison Nulty
@rahul_nair93 Thank you! Appreciate your support!
Janjira Sun
The future of flexible work means more and more individuals will be able to live the life they choose. They'll have the autonomy to make their own executive decisions; working hard to play just as hard! 🚀 Had I not been in the world of independent work, I wouldn't have been able to land my dream opportunity to work with a dynamic and supportive team like Contra's. Proud of all of the hard work the team puts into this, and endlessly grateful that we're working on the future of work together 💛
Zoe Colivas
@janjirasun So happy we found you on Twitter and now you are helping us take Contra to the next level 🚀
Samantha Taylor
@janjirasun Couldn't be happier to have you on the team!
Allison Nulty
@janjirasun You're just a legend, so grateful to work with you :)
Alex Brown
Right now, I’m at the beach celebrating this launch. Celebrating not only the immense hard work that my team has put into this launch, but the fact that I can work anywhere, anytime, and that I am thriving with this model. The workforce is changing–the future is flexible, and it's NOW. Read how 10,000+ independents agree. No longer do we have to be confined by location and commute. Creativity shouldn’t come from staring at a cubicle wall, but from the vibrant life around you that you have time to live. The State of Independence Report is an example of the driving force behind the passionate team here at Contra. We are creating the tools that enable and empower you to become a part of this movement. To work with people you value on projects that you are passionate about. Cheers! 🚀
Noelle Hoffman
@alxndrabrown This is awesome! 🔥
Allison Nulty
@alxndrabrown Enjoy the well-deserved beach vacation, cheers to many more successes to come 🏖
Sharath Kuruganty
The State of Independence Report is one of the well designed and well-detailed reports I ever saw. Absolutely love the interactive website. Particularly learned a lot of tools creators prefer to use. Congrats on the launch Li and Contra team
Samantha Taylor
@5harath Ahhhh thank you so much, Sharath! This means so much to our team. ❤️ Our design team + Jill and Willie Russell deserve it!