Everything you need for your independent journey
Li Jin
State of Independence 2021 β€” A breakdown on all things independent work
Contra, along with Li Jin, presents The State of Independence Report. We surveyed over 10,000 independent workers in design, engineering, product, writing, content marketing & social media on the what, how, and why of their work.
Read the full report here!
Kyle Pennell
I downloaded this report and was sorely disappointed with it. These guys are just trying to grow their email list with some very obvious survey results. There's nothing in here that any freelancer wouldn't already know, even a beginner. For example, most valuable social media tools include all of the obvious ones that would come up in a quick google search. Top skills being monetized by engineers include React and JavaScript. But kudos to you guys for getting this upvoted on PH and getting a bunch of emails. Next time try to capture or share something that is actually helpful or not totally obvious.
Zoe Colivas
Hi @kyleapennell πŸ‘‹ Thank you for sharing this feedback. I'd love to know what kind of information you would have liked to see in the report so that we can include it in the next one?! In terms of the email list, I am happy to remove your email if you'd like!
Kyle Pennell
@zoe_colivas Something that isn't immediately apparent to anyone with basic freelancing experience. It should dive into some deep interesting dataset or something that is surprising or insightful.
Kyle Pennell
@zoe_colivas for instance, the stack overflow survey gives me a lot of data to work with https://insights.stackoverflow.c... I learn how different things are trending up or down, there's enough nuanced questions to surprise. It's easier to read.
Zoe Colivas
@kyleapennell This is great feedback and thank you for linking to Stackoverflow. I am sharing this with our team so we can use this as inspiration for our next report! In the meantime, if you ever have feedback feel free to email me directly at zoe@contra.com!
Gajus Kuizinas
The future of work is changing! Work is no longer bound to an office and 9-5 hours. People are taking charge of their own education and focusing their energy on projects that they are personally passionate about. Contra is the new professional network that allows anyone to work for themselves. We provide the tools and infrastructure needed to build your career around the life you want, with zero commission fees; our mission is to enable everyone love what you do & do what you love. πŸ€— This survey is a summary of how independents are finding work, getting paid, and everything in between. Learn how to work independently, the benefits, and tools used by independents around the world today. πŸš€
Allison Nulty
@kuizinas Couldn't have said it better. Flexibility is the key of the future - excited for what's next!
Daniel Giovacchini
Awesome visuals πŸ‘
Alejandro LeΓ³n
Awesomeeee! ❀️
Erin Horner
@alelepd Thanks Alejandro!
Micah Carroll
Excited to finish creating my Contra profile πŸ‘€, also really neat to see the stats around being a freelancer πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ Congrats! ?makers πŸŽ‰
Olle Pridiuksson
looked at the report. I totally resonate with people charging per project rather that per hour. It opens up a new can of worms, but I think it makes a lot of sense for creators and results in better products
Avi Parshan
I would downvote if I could
Zoe Colivas
@avi_parshan I'm sorry to hear that! We would love to hear your feedback so we can implement it to our next report. Happy to hear it here or you can email me directly at zoe@contra.com!
Girdharee Saran
Glad to see this come out! Thanks @ljin18 !
Claudia Esther Ehret
It sounds nice however are you looking for jobs or are working withe employees? Or it is a site for freelancers?
I really recommend this product, i am satisfied with its quality
Steven Hess
The idea of work life balance is a myth. A concept created to give work and life equal prominence. But this is not true. Work is a subset of life, a hugely important one but a subset nevertheless. No one is going to be CEO of your life other than you. How much you invest of your life resources into work is a decision you make in order to achieve the goals you set. Everyone is an entrepreneur now, but maybe not everyone knows this yet. Celebrating this shift supports myth busting.
Allison Nulty
@1_steven_hess "Work is a subset of life" πŸ’― . Well-said -- the transition to autonomous & flexible work that let's us live the life we want is amazing. Appreciate the support!
Ammar Alyousfi
To be honest, I think there is little valuable information provided in this big (and heavy*) page. Compare this to Stack Overflow survey for example and you will notice a huge difference. Plus, we don't get to know the demographics and countries of the 10,000 people who participated in the survey. I have a feeling that most of them are in the US which means the numbers might not give correct global image of independent workers. Hope to see better and more detailed representation in the future!
Sharath Kuruganty
The State of Independence Report is one of the well designed and well-detailed reports I ever saw. Absolutely love the interactive website. Particularly learned a lot of tools creators prefer to use. Congrats on the launch Li and Contra team
Samantha Taylor
@5harath Ahhhh thank you so much, Sharath! This means so much to our team. ❀️ Our design team + Jill and Willie Russell deserve it!
PB Josiah
Look forward to reading this. Congrats on the launch!
zoli tompa
Hey, I love it and I want more! Count me as one of your fans and keep up the good work!
zoli tompa
Hey, I love it and I want more! Count me as one of your fans and keep up the good work!
I love indie industry. Thanks for sharing this.
Allison Nulty
@oyeakhil We are so thrilled to share these insights with the independent community! 🀝
Limited Timing
Wow! The whole product is so well done! Thank you for creating and sharing!
Samantha Taylor
@gcucci Thank YOU for checking it out ❀️
Alonso Ahmetaj
I love the progress and initiative from Contra, there is definitely a need for improvement and support for the freelance community.
Erin Horner
@alonso_ Couldn't agree more.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Wow, this report is such a vibe. Well done.
Erin Horner
@chrismessina ~ a vibe ~ is exactly what we were going for. Thanks Chris!