Sean Acres

Convo - Conversational commerce for mobile developers

Easily accept payments from users over messaging platforms like SMS and keep more of your revenue.

Design SMS conversations, automatically generate mobile payment interfaces, and start accepting cash from your users. Just 5% per transaction.

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Sean Acres
Hey, PH! 👋 I’m Sean, one of the Makers of Convo, which makes it simple for mobile app developers to accept payments over messaging channels like SMS and eliminate the Apple platform fee. Apple updated its App Store guidelines in December after losing a court case, the result of which is that app developers can now contact users outside the app for alternative payment methods. We’ve worked in the past as mobile game developers on multiple top 100 grossing apps, felt the pain of the platform fee, and saw an opportunity to build an all-in-one solution to enable developers to take advantage of the guideline changes and introduce alternative payment flows for their apps. Some key points: - All-in-one messaging and payment solution - Messaging on any platform (SMS, FB, Instagram, Telegram, WhatsApp) - Messaging bot logic/flow from either templates or custom flows - Mobile payment pages for any type of product - 5% per transaction plus messaging fees (which are platform dependent) Here are the basic steps to implement: - Provide KYC (Know Your Customer) information so we can accept payments on your behalf - Provide payout information (like a bank or debit card) so you can get paid! - Add your products available for purchase - Choose whether you want to trigger payment requests via webhook or SDK - SDK is simpler but can only trigger from within the app - Webhooks can trigger payment flows in any scenario (ex. user hasn’t made a purchase in X days, user messages you to refill their hearts/energy, user opened the store page and didn’t make a purchase, etc.) - That’s it! Once you’ve figured out where/when you want to trigger payment flows, you can publish and your users can now pay over SMS! We’re working on integrations and new features to make the tool easier to integrate with your backend/data and more powerful to use. Join our Discord for quick technical help/integration questions:
Nazan Kurt
So is it just 5% instead of 30% fee in purchases made through Convo Cash? Great way to give discounts to users while increasing the revenue! Great opportunity to take advantage of as an app and game developer. Thanks for productizing this new guideline and making it easily usable by any app/game developer!
Sean Acres
@nazankurticlp Thanks for your support Nazan. And yep, exactly!
Cagatay Kurt
Congrats on the launch
This looks like an interesting product.
Sean Acres
@teja_bhutada1 Glad you think so! Thanks for checking us out!
Valay Churi
Surely would like to explore more!!
Sean Acres
@valay_churi Looking forward to it! Let us know if you have any questions.
Ismail Pelaseyed
Cool idea @seanacres and congrats to the launch!
Sean Acres
@pelaseyed Thanks for your support Ismail!
Ashley Porciuncula
I love this! Good job team!
Congrats for share!!!
Shushant Lakhyani
I love the idea! Congratulations on the launch!!!
Gaurav Goyal
Great work here. Many congratulations :)
Sriharsha Reddy Devaram
@gauravgoyal_gg Thank you Gaurav
Jannie Kaufman
Great work @makers!
Sriharsha Reddy Devaram
@jannie_kauf Thank you so much
Ella Aghababyan
cute design )