Nadav Saadia

Cool Cousin - Shaking up the travel world with good old human connection

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Itamar Weizman
Hey Hunters! I want to introduce ya’ll to Cool Cousin, the friend you wish you had in every city you’re visiting. We are a group of people who LOVE to travel, and I imagine that like you, we refuse to settle for generic experiences while abroad. With time, we’ve grown steadily frustrated with the endless hours of research required to find places that suit our taste, while trying to dodge biased reviews from anonymous contributors with creepy usernames like WAW2world and lazy “top ten” lists that seem crowd-sourced or bot generated. Now, don’t get me wrong, we love bots (some of my best friends are bots), but we truly believe in the fabulous things that come from basic human connection between two like-minded people. It’s golden, I’m telling you. And this is why we created Cool Cousin - so you’ll always have someone to reach out to when you’re in a new city. Using our app, you can easily step up your travel experience with recommendations and personalized advice from locals who share your taste and interests (aka cousins). Basically, you’re just two finger taps away from having your cousin’s full city guidebook at your disposal and from contacting them when you need a go-to local. Our cousins are enthusiastic travelers themselves, who love their hometown and find great satisfaction in sharing their favourite spots, local businesses and things to do in the city. You can already find cousins in London, Paris, Rome, Rio, Barcelona, Berlin and six more cities, with many more destinations coming soon. Give us a try, I’m really excited to hear what you think. I'll be here to answer questions. Itamar Weizman Cool Cousin Maker (Oh, Cool Cousin is available for iOS. Android coming soon enough)
Niv Dror
@itamar_weizman congrats on the launch! Looks super useful, about to give it a try! 💫
Itamar Weizman
@nivo0o thank you Niv!
Calum Webb
@itamar_weizman Congrats! Looking forward to a android release!
Arturo Ojeda
@itamar_weizman Congrats! looks so cool. I'd like to be a cool cousin for Guadalajara, México, will it be open for applications? how can I get notified for the Android version?
Guy Keller
Love the design and creative, looks amazing. Some questions for the team: 1. How exactly do you curate the massive amounts of content on the platform? 2. If you had to describe the perfect user experience, what would it be? If you could tell the users how to gain the most value from the platform - how would you guide them? Thanks, and great work! Would keep in mind for my next trip.
Itamar Weizman
@guyklr Hey Guy, great questions: 1. We work closely with our cousins and our content team is there to guide them whenever needed during the process of curating their guidebook. Luckily our community of cousins is so passionate about their hometown that the work is very easy and all that we're left with is just improving our product that contains all these wonderful and unique recommendations. 2. IMHO the best use would be to connect with our cousins before arriving to the destination, this way you'll be super ready and pumped :-) Start by picking a few locals you find compelling and make them your new cousins. After that you'll be able to review their recommendations, pick the spots that you like and add them to your wishlist of spots. And maybe the most important thing - you'd be able to message your cousins while planning your trip with questions like: "where should I get my airbnb?" so that you'd utilize their local knowledge to the fullest. Have fun at your next trip!
Itamar Weizman
@guyklr my pleasure 😄 looking forward to hear more from you
Cookie Solomon
When I travel, of course I want to see some of the classic tourist sites in a city, but I also want to get to know the real city, the quirky and local spots that give it its character and make locals love it. That's what you can get from cool cousins, travel tips you can trust. Definitely recommend to anyone who wants to see more than just the touristic side of a city!
Itamar Weizman
@breezzcrm the balance between a "touristic" and a local's experience is exactly the balance we're aiming at 😊
Sergey Pirogov
Is it Airbnb Experiences ?
Itamar Weizman
@perpetuous Hey Sergey, Airbnb Experiences, like Cool Cousin, is aiming to help people experience things in a more unique less generic way but it's a completely different service. Cool Cousin allows you to connect with like-minded locals and "accesses" their knowledge with two finger taps - get their full map for the city and also message them directly for local's advice. We are not only offering great guidebooks curated by people like you, we also allow you to interact with the curators, aka cousins. With Cool Cousin you actually have a real, human, like-minded someone to reach out to in the city you're visiting.
Sergey Pirogov
@itamar_weizman thanks! Now it's clear for me. In wayme we do the same, like Cool Cousin, but in a format of audio: virtual walks with locals.
Itamar Weizman
@perpetuous Goodluck!
Steven Rueter
Not sure how this is different from Kindred. I guess email login, but then how do you verify user legitimacy? UI/UX is non-native and a little rough. Any plans to build natively for iOS and Android?
Itamar Weizman
@rueter Hi Steven. Honestly I wasn't familiar with Kindered but I just checked it out and seems like a great product that I will sure tryout. Cool Cousin is different because of a few reasons - we curate ALL of the apps content and working closely with our cousins on their guidebooks and allow users to mix between a very easy, passive experience of just getting curated guidebooks by like minded people and active experience of contacting the "authors" (aka cousins) of those guidebooks and getting personalized advice. Regarding the second question - our app is completely native, but we do have some custom UI components that we use that are not the native platform one's. We are well aware of performance issues that we have, and are working towards getting things just right. You know how the saying goes - "if you launched a perfect product, you've launched too late".
Steven Rueter
@itamar_weizman it seems very labor intensive. How do you plan to scale? It seems a city-by-city strategy is futile, in my opinion. Is the app just for advice or is it actually to connect travelers and locals at destinations? Are you aiming to create a marketplace, like the Uber for travel guides, or is it more passive, like Yelp or whatever they call it in the UK? As far as product quality, perfect or not, never compromise at each iteration. If it's not your best work today, it never will be your best work tomorrow.
Itamar Weizman
@rueter Hey Steven, there's always where to improve :-) especially when you're an early stage company like we are, but we are super happy with where our product's at right now. Touch wood, we are also getting great feedback from our users. Again, we are always thinking about how to improve but luckily we don't get many complaints about Cool Cousin being labor intensive. Cool Cousin is not a marketplace per say but more of a community marketplace. Because we put so much emphasis on the quality of our content we'd rather go City by City first and learn as we go. Soon enough we're gonna start scaling so no worries, you'll have a (cool) cousin in the city you'll travel to. And, as promised - I will check your app Kindred soon and to give you my honest feedback (if you'd like of course)
Steven Rueter
@itamar_weizman most definitely. My feedback is mostly technical, since you seem to have your focus dialed. Our approaches are a little different, but nonetheless, aiming toward establishing the coveted network of trust while traveling. I wish you guys all the best.
Itamar Weizman
@rueter thanks! Likewise ;-)
Daniel Sobey-Harker
As a well travelled young man who has nothing cultural to add except for where to drink heavily in most Asian countries and plenty of European ones is there much point for someone like me joining? I can't say I'm one for tours, guides, architecture, and other touristy things when travelling.
Itamar Weizman
@sobeyharker Hey, I love drinking and so I can be a perfect fit as your cousin 😉 As a traveler you're going to find cousins that are night owls, bar owners etc. who will give you awesome recommendations for any kind of local drinking spot you can imagine. On the other side, our community is curated of hardcore locals. We don't care if our cousins are into nightclubs or cafes, arts or sports, if they're vegan or carnivore, gay or straight - everyone is fit to be a cousin if they answer three criteria: They LOVE their city and updated about things happening in their scene, they are willing to meet our content creation standards and they're forthcoming people.
Daniel Sobey-Harker
@itamar_weizman Cheers for the response! Well OK then I'll give it a fair shot then and get back to you with feedback at some point.
Itamar Weizman
@sobeyharker Looking forward to it! take your best shot ;-)
Rony Harpaz
Not only for traveling! It's a great way to get to know the small cool places in your own city that only cooler locals than you know.
Kevin Leneway
What a beautiful, thoughtfully-designed app. Give your designers an internet high-five for me. 🙌
Itamar Weizman
@kleneway here they are! High five guys ;-) @shachar_b_cotani @gilazr
Shachar B. Cotani
@kleneway 🙏 woop woop!
Yuval Haimovits
Congrats! Great product!
Itamar Weizman
@yuvalhaimovits thanks Yuval!
Kevin Flores
+1 for the name alone! 😀
Courtney Smith
LOVE the concept, design, and aesthetic! We (at Bold Tuesday) combine the concepts of travel with design, so we're obviously all about the idea of cosmopolitan exploration. Can't wait to try it out in the next few months when I travel to Germany and France! I'm from Minneapolis, MN (USA) now living and working in Europe, but Minneapolis is chock full of potential cool cousins—definitely an area to tap into when you further expand into the US. Cheers and well done!
Itamar Weizman
@discopancakes thank you for the kind words Courtney! I love Minneapolis and it's a perfect fit for our product so we will definitely expand there soon enough 😎
Roman Pramberger
Waiting for the android release, make sure to post it here or somewhere i find it :) This looks like something i could and would use
Itamar Weizman
@talkb1nary Hey Roman! we're working on it ;-) once we're live, we'll let you know :-) in the meantime you can check out our website - where you can find a taste of each cousin's recommendations.
Rony Harpaz
Hey @itamar_weizman, any plans for launching new destinations in the US?
Itamar Weizman
@rony_harpaz hey! We're launching our very first US destination next month, New York! We're really excited about it and it's only the beginning so stay tuned ;-)
Love it guys! I'll follow your updates to check when New York is available. Congrats
Itamar Weizman
@alainduruy Thanks Alain! we're launching NYC next month ;-)
Ofer Klein
This is how every traveler should travel. I Just tried this app in London and It was perfect. Cool places, recommendation & interesting cousins!
Itamar Weizman
@oferklein thank you for the kind words! Hope you're traveling soon to more of our cities ;-)
Ben Novak
What a great approach and creative. I've seen a lot of travel apps come and go, but never saw that kind of approach to it. This just proves that good creative is crucial.
Itamar Weizman
@novakben we can't agree more but hey, we're kinda bias 😇
Great concept, i believe real users bring the most value in every field. Is android version on the pipeline? Also you have already a huge competitor, after they acquired trip4real! Good luck guys!
Itamar Weizman
@rubenvivanti Hey Reuben, Thank you for the kind words! Android is mos def in the pipeline 🙂 Although we love hearing Cool Cousin and Airbnb in the same sentence, trip 4 real that they acquired is a tour service and Cool Cousin is a completely virtual service that allows you with two finger taps to connect with like-minded locals, get their guidebook for the city and message them if needed
Gus Navarro
Looks Awesome. I wonder how much it will differ from Airbnb Experiences. Really intrigued 🤔
Itamar Weizman
@gus_navarro Heya Gus, Airbnb Experiences, like Cool Cousin, is aiming to help people experience things in a more unique less generic way but it's a completely different service. Cool Cousin allows you to connect with like-minded locals and "accesses" their knowledge with two finger taps - get their full map for the city and also message them directly for local's advice. We are not only offering great guidebooks curated by people like you, we also allow you to interact with the curators, aka cousins. With Cool Cousin you actually have a real, human, like-minded someone to reach out to in the city you're visiting. Hope you'll use us during your next trip ;-)
Yarin Lidor
Amazing, fun to use, smart and well designed! Congrats guys are nailed it 🤜🏽
Alec P
I like this. I like this a lot 👏