Copy paste text globally on your Mac without switching apps.
t haiga
Copaste — Copy paste text globally on your Mac without switching apps.
A macOS menubar app that allows users to copy text and paste it into the app without the need to switch between apps.
Erik Meijerink
What an awesomely simple and elegant tool! I've been looking for this for years and I didn't even know it! This will be a genuine time saver. Thank you very much for creating this!
t haiga
@erikotn thanks so much Erik! Very happy you find it useful :) Let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions!
t haiga
Hi everyone! This is the first app I ship. I have been using (an older version of) it for a while now to help me take notes quickly and avoid getting distracted. Naturally, there are things I could improve so would love to hear your feedback.
Jorge Galindo
Simple, and useful. Thanks 💙
t haiga
@jorge__galindo Thank you Jorge! :)
elegant execution.
t haiga
@z_x THANK YOU!!