Coral is your guide to horizontal happiness! Create your best sex life life with a mix of science, stories and practical exercises created by experts, curated for you.
Hey ProductHunt,
Firstly, thanks @rrhoover for hunting us!
Intimacy is one of the primary pillars of human happiness, however we spend less time and energy on it than we do exercise, diet... and our succulent collection.
Most of us, at some stage in our lives, will experience low desire, boredom in the bedroom or a desire to improve our sexual performance. Or we may just realize that there could be more pleasure out there! For people looking for support or inspiration, the path can be confusing, unclear, expensive and riddled with inconsistent or inaccurate information.
Rather than investing in piles of books, expensive courses and relying on less than realistic porn, I decided that the world needed a trusted, accessible, affordable guide for sexual self improvement - thus Coral was born.
We deliver a unique experience that will show you how to have a better and more fulfilling sex life using the latest evidence-based research accompanied by guided solo and partner exercises to take your pleasure up to 11.
Key Coral Features -
🚀A content journey curated just for you
📝Science based information - based on peer reviewed journals and vetted by internationally recognized experts
🎧 Audio stories from real Coral users
💗 Sexual pulse tracker to record how you're feeling about your sex life each week
👋 Solo and partner exercises, written and guided by experts
Our data already shows that Coral users experience deeper connections, more pleasure and boosted confidence and we think that's pretty great.
I'm here for any questions and would love to know what you think. Thanks for the support! 🙌
@isharna_walsh Hi, growth guy here. This looks great, love the brand design.
I initially thought Headspace or sex life, though at a glance this is a lot to take in. Calm & Headspace are as easy as playing a podcast, and I think users quickly understand and see the value in that.
Your app didn't appear in App Store "Coral" search, do you have restrictions? I've notice platforms tend to unfairly silence sex brands. (Dame products on MTA and Facebook...)
I also noticed the discussion portion in your app is behind a paywall. Have you considered making a community forum that's open? This could potentially be a great source of UGC and fuel growth. Ideally, it attracts users and keeps them engaged... and you monetize them later. But I imagine impulse annual subs can net out higher (nothing wrong with that). I'm expecting a rise of community apps influenced by popular subreddits, like r/RelationshipAdvice... I've also notice sex bloggers on IG, they may be willing to take their content to platforms like Coral if it provided the medium.
@armand thanks for your thoughts! Re search for Coral - were brand new in the App Store so have to work on ASO. Coral sex or coral intimacy will get you there... I don’t think there are restrictions other than age.
We have discussed the placement of paywall relation to community extensively... There’s definitely arguments both ways but for now our priority is providing a safe space for meaningful conversation, hence the current placement. Your comment re: providing an uncensored space for influencers is thought provoking though so stay tuned ☺️ This is definitely our first iteration! Lots of improvements to come.
This app has a ton of amazing content. Before I discovered Coral, I had to look for people with the same questions on Yahoo answers or Reddit. If such threads didn’t exist, I had to create my own. This was such a tiresome process that I had to go through to discover myself sexually. Thanks to Coral, I don’t have these issues anymore! It has given me more confidence in myself because now I know myself better. I know what I need when I will eventually start pursuing a relationship. Until then, I am satisfying my newfound sexual confidence with girls from here Sure beats the hand and takes away the time waste of one-night stands lol.
I am a very proud investor in Coral and a member of the Coral community. I think that Coral has the potential to help make profound shifts in human connection. I have come to believe that most every human is held back in achieving their human potential for two reasons:
1) When we were children, we were not loved by our parents in the way we wanted to be loved and therefore don’t believe we are worthy of achieving our greatest dreams;
2) That public institutions especially organized religion and educational institutions reinforced a belief that the innate human desire of physical connection with others is shameful or at worst, sinful.
I challenge you to share with each person in your life that you trust the MOST to volunteer to them your most honest sexual desires, and ask them to share the same with you. I believe you would find that either you are incapable of being truly honest and/or that most of the people you ask to share with you can’t even begin to have that conversation.
Coral has already helped me and my partner, have even more honest conversations about our desires and how we can better pleasure each other. Even though I cringe as I write that last line, I feel it’s important I lead with the honesty that Coral helps facilitate.
I believe Coral is building an incredible new social network, based on what so much of our social networks lack: authenticity and honesty.
Coral is exactly what the world needs now. @isharna_walsh is the exact right founder to lead this community. So join us, you and your partner(s) can thank her later!
Even though I'm not in a relationship, Coral has been such an incredible asset in helping me learn about myself, what I like and how to communicate that with future partners. I can get lost in the discussions for hours! Everyone on the app is really honest and open-minded, making it truly a safe space for exploration.
@victoria_mattei Thank you Victoria! Coral is for all humans regardless of relationship status, sexual orientation or gender - so glad to hear you've been enjoying it
I've been following Coral for a while and tried the beta. I like how Isharna and team have focused on offering multiple forms of education and exploration, in a space that's heating up (pun intended... sorry).
It seems like we're seeing more startups focus on sex and intimacy lately. Ferly and Dipsea are a few others that launched this year.
Coral is an amazing app to dig deeper and ask yourself those questions about your pleasure and desire that you usually compartmentalize. It's also really cool to read through the discussions and see the problems people are facing and the solutions they have and how you can relate to it. Makes you feel heard and seen.
@mariah_neumaier Glad to hear you're enjoying the community features, there's so much stigma around talking about sex, part of our goal is to open these conversations and make us all realize we're not alone!
Really love all that Coral has to offer - have been waiting for an app like this to come to the market. My favorite part is the "discover" feature. It's a safe space where other users can join in on different discussions and share their stories. 10/10 recommend this app!
With so many mediocre wellness apps out there it is so refreshing to see a true disruptor enter the marketplace. Coral's content is unique and impactful - it really increased my sexual wellness and happiness and will change people's lives. The beautiful user interface just makes it that much better.
Coral immediately grabbed me with it's fantastic design and relatable tone. My partner and I have been enjoying the guided exercises and some of the lessons have been a game changer in regards to how I think about my own sexuality.
Sure beats reading yahoo answers or going down a reddit rabbit whole. Really exited to explore the beta! Modern day sex ed is something that I know everyone needs, yet is very hard nut to crack (pun intended). The product is beautifully designed and as long as they are able to provide high quality content and actionable insight in an engaging manner, I think this could be a great success with huge societal benefits! ; )
Coral has amazing content. The reality is that most men, including myself, do not and cannot fully understand the female body. I find the content on Coral easily digestible and super useful when it comes to explaining how to have better sex. I have been using the beta for 3 months and the results and my understanding of female anatomy and mindset in the bedroom have significantly improved.
@hershelmehta not meaning to sound judgemental, but in my opinion, believing that "most men do not and CANNOT fully understand the female body" only holds you back. There's nothing innately less "understandable" about a female body, in relation to a male one. There's nothing extra to understand. You can understand a female body as well as you can understand your own.
@hershelmehta@anna_0x Exactly. I really don't understand the challenge :)
But I believe he wanted to say that some women are coy about their desires, and men think they need to break the code of pleasure, somewhere. It's like people that only had dogs then get a cat, and don't understand they are not up for a walk on the neighborhood on a leash... :)
As someone who struggles with discussing some of these topics with people I was thrilled with this app. It allowed me to read and explore some of the topics I had been embarrassed about in a fun and interactive manner.
Love this app and what they're solving for! The app is so easy to use and the content is really relevant. I love the way they are taking shame and fear out of sex and making it so easy for people like me to access. Game changer!!!
Absolutely LOVE this app! I have been using Coral for a couple months and have been super impressed! I thought I "knew it all" but I have learned so much about what it really means to have an amazing sex life. I adore the community and wanted to applaud the makers of the app for creating such a warm and welcoming product! ❤️
The new design and the partner chat feature has been a game changer! I use the partner chat more than sms with my partner now, it has added a much needed spark. We have new things to talk about and it feels like we are exploring and learning new things together even when we have to be apart.
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