Worlds 1st advanced interactive 3D astronomical time device
Neeraj Thakur
Cosmic-Watch — The World’s first 3D astronomical clock & stunning skyguide
Cosmic-Watch shows you how to read time according to the motion of the cosmos. Watch the sky, the Earth cycles and the dynamics of the solar system in the past, present and future. Learn about astronomical events and bring the sky back to your everyday life.
Sjoerd Martens
This is so cool!
Claude Dech
I'm a UX designer and I have to say this is a pretty ugly UI. Poor font choices, bad legibility all over the place.
Ribier Design
Very professional
Burak Myself
well designed.
Ronald Holman
Now that is really cool!
Andrea Ramirez
I use it since 3 years and I have learn about the sky a lot.
Eduardo Santana
You can learn about sky gazing and finally understand the many things you can observe in the sky :)
Oğuz Kaan Dere
Realistic +